Stats DB

Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Radon killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Mon 01 Jul 2024 14:32 (UTC)
Vicleconstructeur killed oneself with a SUCKER PUNCH F BioTech Systems Sun 21 Apr 2024 14:16 (UTC)
Hannes killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Wed 14 Feb 2024 19:17 (UTC)
Hannes killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Wed 14 Feb 2024 18:48 (UTC)
Psilite killed oneself with a Crahn Fire Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Fri 17 Nov 2023 11:05 (UTC)
Luicron killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Fallen Angels Fri 03 Nov 2023 13:14 (UTC)
Psilite killed oneself with a Crahn Fire Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Fri 27 Oct 2023 14:35 (UTC)
Psido killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Sun 24 Sep 2023 16:36 (UTC)
Bint killed oneself with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Twilight Guardian Sat 02 Sep 2023 06:56 (UTC)
Malvaria killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Diamond Real Estate Sat 29 Jul 2023 06:25 (UTC)
Malvaria killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Diamond Real Estate Thu 27 Jul 2023 20:17 (UTC)
Coquinerie killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG 3 F City Mercs Wed 03 May 2023 15:03 (UTC)
Ivy killed oneself with a Stealthtool F City Administration Tue 07 Mar 2023 04:52 (UTC)
Natsu killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Diamond Real Estate Thu 02 Mar 2023 10:26 (UTC)
Ranknar killed oneself with a RayGun Cannon F City Administration Sat 28 Jan 2023 13:29 (UTC)
Johnny Five killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Tue 09 Aug 2022 00:57 (UTC)
Schabernack killed John Denver with a Crahn Holy Fire Lance N BoC vs NExT Tue 31 May 2022 18:49 (UTC)
Nonsensius killed oneself with a Crahn Creature Focus CAG 1 F Fallen Angels Tue 10 May 2022 17:21 (UTC)
Malestro killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Tangent Technologies Thu 31 Mar 2022 17:45 (UTC)
Elish killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F Tangent Technologies Wed 02 Mar 2022 00:31 (UTC)
Malestro killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Sat 12 Feb 2022 23:01 (UTC)
Lorim killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Sat 12 Feb 2022 08:43 (UTC)
Tabetha killed oneself with a Crahn Toxic Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Sat 06 Nov 2021 01:16 (UTC)
Drsnake killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F BioTech Systems Sun 03 Oct 2021 20:03 (UTC)
Theseetofoye killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Sat 02 Oct 2021 03:12 (UTC)
Mepovan killed oneself with a Mini Rocket Launcher F City Administration Wed 22 Sep 2021 18:36 (UTC)
Hex- killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Lightning Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Mon 23 Aug 2021 14:36 (UTC)
Mechanicone killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Diamond Real Estate Wed 16 Jun 2021 22:23 (UTC)
Mechanicone killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Diamond Real Estate Sat 12 Jun 2021 23:03 (UTC)
Venusfalle killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F Fallen Angels Wed 09 Jun 2021 21:28 (UTC)
Solar killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F BioTech Systems Mon 24 May 2021 17:00 (UTC)
Zuhai killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Toxic Ball Blast F Tangent Technologies Sun 16 May 2021 17:52 (UTC)
Karla killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Sun 09 May 2021 11:44 (UTC)
Karla killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Sun 09 May 2021 11:24 (UTC)
Karla killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Sun 09 May 2021 11:16 (UTC)
Karla killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Sun 09 May 2021 11:07 (UTC)
Multibolt killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F ProtoPharm Sat 17 Apr 2021 10:58 (UTC)
Jairtya killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F ProtoPharm Wed 14 Apr 2021 05:39 (UTC)
Laruna killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F City Administration Tue 06 Apr 2021 13:10 (UTC)
Ben Grimm killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F City Mercs Sat 03 Apr 2021 04:19 (UTC)
Kara Zor-El killed oneself with a RayGun Cannon F City Mercs Fri 02 Apr 2021 01:19 (UTC)
Qoe killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Wed 03 Mar 2021 12:04 (UTC)
Dunkeiheit killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F Twilight Guardian Fri 04 Dec 2020 07:00 (UTC)
Armitage killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F City Administration Thu 29 Oct 2020 13:14 (UTC)
Causeforalarm killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Sun 16 Aug 2020 21:06 (UTC)
Dominya Mooncrest killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Diamond Real Estate Sat 15 Aug 2020 21:31 (UTC)
Andbang Upthebutt killed Gumgumchewgum with a Ionic Shotgun Rifle F BioTech Systems Sat 11 Jul 2020 13:32 (UTC)
Zephyr killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F City Mercs Sat 16 May 2020 20:28 (UTC)
Nauk killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel U No Faction Mon 11 May 2020 14:23 (UTC)
Volibear killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F ProtoPharm Fri 13 Mar 2020 10:51 (UTC)
Volibear killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F ProtoPharm Fri 13 Mar 2020 10:39 (UTC)
Tubbabubba killed oneself with a Tangent GL-253c Launcher F Diamond Real Estate Tue 15 Oct 2019 00:36 (UTC)
Realxxi killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Frozen Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Sat 11 May 2019 05:17 (UTC)
Papavinny killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F NExT Thu 02 May 2019 02:32 (UTC)
Vovo killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Brotherhood of Crahn Mon 05 Nov 2018 01:59 (UTC)
Vovo killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Brotherhood of Crahn Sat 03 Nov 2018 04:15 (UTC)
Ratman killed oneself with a Crahn Fire Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Fri 31 Aug 2018 08:41 (UTC)
Antler killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Sun 26 Aug 2018 14:43 (UTC)
Chesspiece Face killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Brotherhood of Crahn Thu 31 May 2018 20:51 (UTC)
Halsinck killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Lightning Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Tue 20 Feb 2018 00:55 (UTC)
Halsinck killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Lightning Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Tue 20 Feb 2018 00:42 (UTC)
Crudux Cruo killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Lightning Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Fri 01 Dec 2017 22:25 (UTC)
Emenence killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Mon 16 Oct 2017 02:58 (UTC)
Roe killed oneself with a N/A F Brotherhood of Crahn Thu 20 Apr 2017 17:52 (UTC)
Minori killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Sat 25 Mar 2017 01:50 (UTC)
Uuhu killed oneself with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F BioTech Systems Mon 27 Feb 2017 15:46 (UTC)
Feuerzangenbowle killed Ganja with a DEVOURER E TT vs BD Sat 12 Nov 2016 23:55 (UTC)