Latest Neocron News and Information
- New test server patch #631 has been released to Vedeena
- Initial ideas and concepts: nEo-1664 and Brammers
- Stats DB Coding: Brammers
- THN-CPU Coding: nEo-1664
- Pilot: nEo-1664
- Stunt double for nEo-1664: nEo-1664
- Observers provided by: NExT - A Division of Phoenix Ltd.
- Thanks to Zoltan and the Neocron Support Team for the Neocron API.
- Special thanks to all the players and GM's for keeping the faith and keeping Neocron alive.
- No Neocron test servers were harmed in making this website.
Change Log
Version 3.1.1 - 23 August 2022
- Removed Pluto from Stats DB recording.
- Package updates.
Version 3.1.0 - 13 September 2022
- Redesign of message handling within the Stats DB.
- Updated population recording.
- Dropped recording of pointless data (SectorCount, SectorsOnline, Latency etc) and removed data from the DB
- Added ability to handle NCC servers. (Saturn will be added at a later date.)
Version 3.0.14-21 - 8-10 September 2022
- Package updates and code fixes.
- Patches for Titan should now be correctly tweeted.
- Test server patches are no longer tweeted. An alternative solution will be in place in the future.
- Updates to support Pluto.
- Drop raw data DB. This was a 10G+ DB recording the raw Data from the API. Dropped as we had no use for it.
- Add server navigation to some pages.
Version 3.0.13 - 28 August 2021
Version 3.0.12 - 4 April 2021
- Fixes for handling unknown factions.
- Package updates.
Version 3.0.11 - 28 March 2021
- Updates for update recording additional rares stats.
- Package updates.
Version 3.0.10 - 29 January 2021
- Fixed broken link on THN CPU Tweets.
- Improved and fixed A-Z sorting on killboard pages.
- Lots of internal work to tidy the code up.
Version 3.0.9 - 25 January 2021
- Fixed broken servers page.
Version 3.0.7-3.0.8 - 24 January 2021
- Fix tweeting/update of patches.
Version 3.0.6 - 23 January 2021
- Restored THN CPU Tweets for Outpost and clan changes.
- Fixed Show URL Plot missing the domain name.
- Removed FTP Patch checker.
- Kills by zones are now limited to the latest 100 kills.
- Kills by weapons are now limited to the latest 100 kills.
Version 3.0.4-3.0.5 - 12 January 2021
- Fix endpoint data_all_active_clans
- Updated rares recording.
- Total rare parts is now back on the home page.
- Removed some pointless rare part recorders.
- Updated and fixed some rare part recorders.
- Due to an issue with the @THNcpu Twitter account, Outpost and Clan updates are disabled until further notice.
- Brammers once tweeted a picture of a bird.
Version 3.0.0-3.0.3 - 10 January 2021
- Migrated to the Monolight Framework 5.
- All endpoints have been updated and refactored.
- All static content is now served from the CDN.
- ...and lots of other small updates to the code.
- Rares DB recording will return as a later date.
- Backward compatibility break: All data URL's have moved. The locale part in the URL is now at the start of the URL. eg is now
- Backward compatibility break: Dropped XML on all endpoints.
- Backward compatibility break: Dropped JSONP on all endpoints.
- Removed NeoCast - no longer used.
- Dropped reporting of spambots (They were very boring)
- Dropped support for Windows Phone Notifications
- Brammers admits to having a hot drink while in lockdown.
Version 2.1.0 January 2016
- Fixed: Issue with weapon name changes.
- Fixed: Don't count Faction kills from Neofrag.
- Added: Killboard from the last 7 days.
- Added: Breakdown - Kills/Death by player.
- Added: Breakdown - Kills by zone.
- Added: Breakdown - Kills by weapon.
- Added: A to Z runner list -
- Added: A to Z zones list -
- Added: A to Z weapons list -
- Fixed: Faction relations showing "EU" for enemy. Thanks to Trivaldi for the bug report.
- Added: Kill-board now process the Damage Region of a kill.
- Updated: Faction relation of kill improved.
Version 2.0.0 November-December 2016
- Code base and libraries brought upto date.
- Updated server populations recording code.
- Removed population display from all views and API points.
- Introduced the THN Messaging API.
- Revamped all recording code to be part of the THN Messaging API
- Added recording for output from the NC Kills API.
- Added code to process NC Kills data.
- NC API processing is now Async
Version 1.4.9 26th October 2014
- Fixed issue with the stats recorder locking up.
Version 1.4.8 24th October 2014
- Fixed issue with the API not validating input params and returning a server 500 error.
- Fixed issue with the API with invalid date params and returning a server 500 error.
- Thanks go to aKe`cj for highlighting the issues.
Version 1.4.7 5th October 2014
- Updated THN template for future mobile support (Currently experimental)
- ... and the usual framework/package updates.
Version 1.4.6 22nd August 2014
- Fixed SOAP client's incorrect handling of single element arrays breaking the Server populations.
- Add new QoS monitoring - public viewable stats will be added at a later date.
Version 1.4.5 7th August 2014
- Fixed issues with the patch notification service.
- Added Authoritative parameter to the server update API service - defaults to true.
- Add new service to monitor the FTP server for patch updates. (Done on an hourly basis)
- Multiple patch messages for the same server will no longer appear - only the latest patch version is now shown.
Version 1.4.4 3rd August 2014
- No new features or changes to the stats DB. Just a new common user authentication bundle was added for testing.
Version 1.4.3 21st July 2014
- Fixed issues with new clans.
- Fix issues with patch tweeting service.
- Improved the Event/Messaging system to send patch, server offline and other messages to the whole of the THN.
- Brammers says "Everything is awesome!"
Version 1.4.2 12th July 2014
- Tidy up more of the ORM layer and remove dead code
- New page - Show server patch history
- A few API URL's where renamed:
- API URL - api/data/en/servers_meta.js|json is now api/data/en/servers-meta.js|json
- API URL - api/data/en/all_active_clans.js|json is now api/data/en/all-active-clans.js|json
- Fixed and overhauled the THN's NC API Client session handling for the Neocron 2 API.
- Some say Brammers plays for the Fallen Angels Football Team
Version 1.4.1 8th July 2014
- Updates to use the patch information from the Neocron API V2
- Patch updates are now automatically recorded by the Stats DB for all active servers.
- Patch updates are now tweeted on the THN Twitter account.
- The next stats DB update will show the patch dates for all Neocron servers.
- Brammers denies he owns a Brazilian Football Shirt.
Version 1.4.0 5th July 2014
- The ORM layer of the Stats DB has be overhauled and some early design issues fixed.
- The usual Framework updates that no-one takes any notice of did happen in this release again.
- Fixed wrong year shown on Peak server populations charts.
- Neocron APIv2 Handling was improved.
- Brammers denies he once got lost in Tech Haven when his compass didn't work.
Version 1.3.5 26th May 2014
- New API added for Outposts - currently used by the Neocron Map project by AntiDot
- The usual Framework updates that no-one takes any notice of did happen in this release.
- Brammers denies that his Disruptor fires FIVE shots.
Version 1.3.1-1.3.4 9th May 2014
- Windows Live Tile support - Added last outpost taken title.
- Lots of images added to the titles
- Permission to add the special NeoCrack picture as a live tile was denied.
Version 1.3.0 5th May 2014
- The Stats DB now has Windows 8 live tile support
- Updated to Monolight Framework 3.3 and Symfony 2.4
- Revamped the caching/usage of the Neocron API token
- The THN is now using a different Twitter package
- The old THN forked, tweaked, updated and working versions of TwitterOAuth and FOSTwitterBundles are available on GitHub and Packagist
- Stats DB now uses Composer for deployment - See if you are interested.
Version 1.2.11 24th November 2013
- Minor update release for Framework changes and DB access changes.
Version 1.2.10 26th October 2013
- This is a minor bugfix release.
- Fixed API issues with missing CSS files.
- Added missing stat on clan pages - most ops held.
- Updated database layer for Rares Stats DB.
- My name is not BrAmmers.
Version 1.2.9 13th October 2013
- This is a minor bugfix release.
- Fixed recording of outposts when no clan owns the op.
- Fix update of clan stats for new clans.
Version 1.2.8 5th October 2013
- Fixed Biotech Systems Faction not showing
- Split rares parts totals recorded into 2 jobs to record the following stats from the THN Rares DB.
- 1st Rares totals parts records just the total number of parts as shown on the front pages each hour.
- 2nd Rares totals parts now records the following each hour:
- - Total rare parts.
- - Total rare parts from active users over the following time frames: 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days.
- - Total rare parts grouped by L,T,E and MC5 E parts.
- - Total rare parts grouped by L,T,E and MC5 E parts from active users over the following time frames: 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days.
Version 1.2.7 28th September 2013
- This is a minor bugfix release.
- Fixed broken servers page.
- Fixed missing day from spambot charts.
- Fixed missing divid param bug.
- Fixed recording of rares stats not being done at midnight UTC.
- Fixed mis-recorded data.
- Enhanced total parts recording to count parts from active users with the last 1,7,30,60,90 days.
Version 1.2.6 22nd September 2013
- Added Single Faction Relation table.
- Fixed some IE issues.
- Some updates and improvements to the code.
- Added page to highlight available data feeds.
- Revamped the server dropdown list to reflect available data.
- Revamped the date selections to reflect available data.
- Clans data are now available via the API.
- Revamped the clans page to allow selection by server and faction.
- Added static data API to assist 3rd party clients.
- Removed all servers populations plot.
- Rares DB stats:Current rares totals from the Rares DB is now on the main page.
- Rares DB stats:Displaying of stats will be in a later release.
- Rares DB Stats:Recording of all Rares DB stats reduced from hourly to once per day.
- Rares DB Stats:Total parts in the rares DB is still recorded every hour.
- Rares DB Stats:Users now records active users within the last 24 hours and 7,30,60,90 days
- Rares DB Stats:Removed excessive Rares DB stats data.
Version 1.2.5 12th August 2013
- Framework maintenance release.
- Google Analytics added.
- Twilight Guardian Graphics updated.
Version 1.2.4 28th July 2013
- This is a minor bugfix and Framework update release.
- Fixed double listing of Titan on front page.
- Updated PHP and Framework.
Version 1.2.3 23rd July 2013
- This is a minor bugfix release.
- Outpost Travel Adviser: Fixed GrFr setting with Neutral runners.
- Outpost Travel Adviser: Fixed Clan runners not being correctly listed.
- Outpost Travel Adviser: Fixed Bonus for Fortress.
- Added page to list all API functions.
- Updated NeoCast URL.
Version 1.2.1-1.2.2 19th July 2013
- This is a minor bugfix release.
- Outpost Travel Adviser: Fixed GR-All for LE'ed runners.
- Outpost Travel Adviser: Fixed Open GR's for clanned runners own ops.
- Outpost Travel Adviser: Fixed listing of ops with bonus.
- Fixed offline red colour.
- Added IE10 Windows 8 Pin Site icon.
- Improved the way Facebook links to the Stats DB.
Version 1.2.0 15th July 2013
- New feature: Outpost Travel Adviser.
- Faction names updated.
- Replaced JS and JSON serialiser with a simpler solution.
- Fixed an error with the outpost pages for Terra and Mars.
- Fixed a load of issues related to the Framework updates.
- Cookies tweaked, extra choc-chip added, but quantity of cookies reduced.
Version 1.1.13 1st July 2013
- A round of framework updates.
- Fixes for compatibility with the new framework.
- No new features in this release.
Version 1.1.12 24th June 2013
- 404 pages now works properly.
- The tweetbot now works again.
- A lot of framework and package updates.
- ProTip: Do not double-click to launch a revenge drone.
Version 1.1.11 29th May 2013
- Fixed issues with new clan discovery.
- Updated NeoCast graphics - Thanks goes to Slagathor for the artwortk.
- Minor tweak to the JQuery UI graphics.
- Minor tweak to the inactive clans messages.
- Tech Haven really does have 3 entrances.
Version 1.1.10 19th May 2013
- This release is an update for all the JQuery and JS libs.
- Tweaked the colours on the graphs.
- There are no new features in this release.
- That's a pretty gun...OW!
Version 1.1.9 17th May 2013
- Framework update release.
- Updates for NeoCast.
- Added new peak populations barchart with selectable date range.
- Yes I do PvP, just I'm the one who prefers to hit the floor first, but you usually beat me to it...
Version 1.1.8 13th May 2013
- Fixed clan listing pages not working for Terra, Mars and Mercury.
- Fixed test servers missing from front page.
- Added outposts held and last activity to the clan listing pages.
- Added support for Neocast Broadcasting status.
- Outpost pages now show defeated clan and faction status.
- Removed outpost page that shows all servers and clans.
- This change log is dedicated to my PE, who's resists totally suck.
Version 1.1.5, 1.1.6 and 1.1.7 - 5th-7th May 2013
- Updated the framework that runs the Stats DB as it's one of those things that should be done.
- Split the Common and Neocron API packages to their own GIT repositories.
- Added translations for German dates.
- New option on Graphs to generate a URL to allow easy linking.
- Servers Terra and Mars are now hidden.
- Hidden the All Servers Graph, since it's pointless.
- Added Apple Touch Icons (Semi-tested - since I don't own Apple Hardware)
- The THN-CPU and THN admins can now override the online/offline status.
- Clan list pages now display a list of active and inactive clan.
- All outpost changes now list whether the clan is hostile, neutral or friendly.
- A load of new stats are available on each clan page.
- A faction relations table is available.
- Fixed a a few spelling mistakes. (1.1.6)
- Fixed broken URL's (1.1.7)
- Fixed passing of params in URL (1.1.7)
- ˙oʇ ʇuǝʍ oƎu ǝɹǝɥʍ ssǝnƃ ɹǝʌǝu llıʍ no⅄
Version 1.1.4 - 2 March 2013
- Updated the framework that runs the Stats DB.
- Added server retail/test info to RSS/JSON server feeds.
- Added server patch level to RSS/JSON server feeds.
- Filter options added to the news page for clans, outpost changes and security changes.
- Fixed a graph due to a IE "bug".
- Blamed Tubby as it's always his fault.
- Brammers apologised to the Pluto Planet Society for misspelling Sedna.
Version 1.1.3 - 27 Jan 2013
- New graph: Successful outpost takeovers.
- New graph: Withdrawal checklist symptoms - Credit/Blame goes to phunqe for inspiring us.
- Table sorting options added to Clan, Outpost and fight history on outpsot pages.
- Added extra control to the stats recorder.
- Fixed Devereaux Fortress data so it really is listed as a Fortress.
- Fixed some API value mapping issues.
- Blamed Delphi for no reason whatsoever.
- Neocrack addiction scales adjusted due to excessive usage by some runners...namely phunqe
Version 1.1.2 - 23 Jan 2013
- Graphs now plot default data when first loaded.
- Standardised the server status tables for the Stats Website and API feed.
- Reverted change from 1.1.1. Servers player numbers are recorded regardless of server status.
- Unknown or offline servers are displayed with a zero player count.
- Updates and cleanup of URL generation
- Missing validations added to peak bar-charts
- Fixed issues with Neocron API client when Neocron API is not available.
- Fixed issues with Neocron API client making unneeded calls to Neocron API. (Opps Sorry Zoltan!)
- Updated and revamp server info API feeds so that nEo-1664 can pick the servers he wants for his THN-CPU bot.
- There was cake, but Biglines said it was a lie!
- Attempted to paint my HH Wheeler V2 red.
Version 1.1.1 - 14 Jan 2013
- New barchart added: Peak server populations by month
- New barchart added: Peak server populations by year
- A few CSS tweaks on the Clan information page.
- Fixed: URL generation on feeds.
- Fixed: Offline servers are recorded as zero players regardless what the API tries to claim.
- New year celebrated! Fixed the year in the last change log.
- Attempted to fit Observers with JATO's. The JATO's did work, but left the observers behind.
Version 1.1.0 - 12 Jan 2013
- Data API re-write to allow for future expansion and better validation.
- Change log added.
- Added change language links at the bottom of the page. (Note: DE translations not yet available.)
- New page: Graphs and plots - allows access to all graphs and plots
- New Graph: Server population (Same as Graph on server pages but you can set a start date and server)
- New Graph: Server population - All servers (Same as Graph on All servers page but you can set a start date)
- Internal: News table revamped. (Yes this line probably make no sense.)
- New feature: Outpost security recording added
- Changes in the outpost security are reported on the news page and the news RSS feeds. (Note: Security changes are current not tweeted at this time.)
- Outpost security listed on all the show all outpost pages, and also individual outpost pages.
- All data in RSS feeds now are wrapped with CDATA tags.
- Fixed issues with missing zone names from API.
- Server status now displays Unknown if the Stats DB is unable to get the data from the API.
- Fixed update date being stuck at 10 Dec 2012 15:10 (UTC) on API feeds.
- All outpost and faction graphics updated.
- NEMA Photographer abducted and held hostage until photos of all Outposts was provided.
- GM's treehouses discovered, and reported due to the rumour that it was exploiting the Laws of Physics.
- Notable Injuries: When the pilot stunt double decided it would be a good idea to jump out of a moving Observer at height while completing aerial photography.
Version 1.0.0 - 11 Dec 2012