Stats DB

Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Stank killed oneself with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F Fallen Angels Mon 17 Jun 2024 14:21 (UTC)
Qee Whiteflash killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F NExT Wed 27 Mar 2024 09:53 (UTC)
[GM] Kyrus Apu killed Mefaill with a HOLY LIGHTNING U None vs TT Thu 08 Feb 2024 20:41 (UTC)
Tatianna killed oneself with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Tue 19 Sep 2023 14:59 (UTC)
Ray J killed Back-Scratcher with a CREED F BioTech Systems Sun 11 Sep 2022 06:08 (UTC)
Unknownx killed Ray J with a SILENT HUNTER N FA vs BT Sun 11 Sep 2022 06:01 (UTC)
Rammpo killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Fire Ball Blast F NExT Thu 31 Mar 2022 17:08 (UTC)
Rammpo killed Aretas with a Crahn Blessed Fire Ball Blast F NExT Thu 31 Mar 2022 16:53 (UTC)
Lektus killed oneself with a MALEDICTION F Tangent Technologies Thu 23 Sep 2021 16:38 (UTC)
Donpach killed Edmund Dantes with a PARTICLE NEMESIS F TG vs FA Wed 31 Mar 2021 20:05 (UTC)
Ozz killed Complete Moron with a SILENT HUNTER N BT vs CM Sun 28 Mar 2021 17:03 (UTC)
Peacebringer killed oneself with a Ryker 'Vulcano' Grenade Launcher F City Administration Tue 09 Mar 2021 19:17 (UTC)
Amy Red killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG-Gold F Fallen Angels Fri 26 Feb 2021 19:18 (UTC)
Andbang Upthebutt killed Sheldon Black with a SECOND LOVE F BT vs PP Fri 19 Feb 2021 20:32 (UTC)
The Belt Collector killed Sheldon Black with a Punisher N DRE vs PP Fri 19 Feb 2021 20:23 (UTC)
The Belt Collector killed Sheldon Black with a Punisher N DRE vs PP Fri 19 Feb 2021 20:16 (UTC)
The Belt Collector killed Sheldon Black with a Punisher N DRE vs PP Fri 19 Feb 2021 20:05 (UTC)
The Belt Collector killed Gerog with a Punisher F DRE vs TT Thu 18 Feb 2021 13:21 (UTC)
The Belt Collector killed Gerog with a REVENGE F DRE vs TT Thu 18 Feb 2021 13:19 (UTC)
Daphoenixda killed Cyface with a Enhanced Street Model Rifle E DRE vs CM Sun 31 Jan 2021 01:05 (UTC)
Andbang Upthebutt killed Raver with a SECOND LOVE N BT vs NExT Tue 26 Jan 2021 22:07 (UTC)
Goto Nguma killed oneself with a Stealthtool F Twilight Guardian Sun 10 Jan 2021 12:07 (UTC)
Moneybag killed oneself with a SUCKER PUNCH F Tangent Technologies Sat 17 Oct 2020 18:38 (UTC)
Serkman killed Prollos with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel N NExT vs FA Sat 10 Oct 2020 01:57 (UTC)
Serkman killed Prollos with a Crahn Holy Energy Beam N NExT vs FA Fri 09 Oct 2020 22:42 (UTC)
Freddy Klueger killed oneself with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-4 F BioTech Systems Fri 09 Oct 2020 00:12 (UTC)
Balu killed oneself with a Stealth Activator F Brotherhood of Crahn Sun 20 Sep 2020 16:11 (UTC)
Andbang Upthebutt killed Pepega with a SILENT HUNTER E BT vs BoC Sun 19 Jul 2020 23:17 (UTC)
Peepeeonyou killed Gunjamon with a HOLY LIGHTNING E TT vs BT Mon 13 Jul 2020 21:29 (UTC)
Andbang Upthebutt killed Gumadoo with a Juggernaut Crossbow Rifle N BT vs CM Wed 03 Jun 2020 19:39 (UTC)
Red Sonya killed Princessa with a Crahn Holy Energy Beam U FA vs No Faction Sun 31 May 2020 22:57 (UTC)
Princessa killed Red Sonya with a Crahn Blessed Energy Beam U No Faction vs FA Sun 31 May 2020 22:55 (UTC)
Kaese-Sahnesosse killed Apathy with a HOLY LIGHTNING N BT vs BD Sat 30 May 2020 18:45 (UTC)
Black Eagle killed Drunkenmonekeh with a RAVAGER E CA vs BD Sat 30 May 2020 18:42 (UTC)
Black Eagle killed Mayhemmichael with a RAVAGER E CA vs BD Sat 30 May 2020 18:40 (UTC)
Kaese-Sahnesosse killed Realsmurfentwo with a HOLY LIGHTNING N BT vs BD Sat 30 May 2020 18:38 (UTC)
Mayhemmichael killed Balisticy with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Sat 30 May 2020 18:29 (UTC)
Realsmurfentwo killed Ufaill with a Crahn Holy Toxic Halo E BD vs TT Sat 30 May 2020 18:24 (UTC)
Andbang Upthebutt killed Ufaill with a SILENT HUNTER E BT vs TT Sat 23 May 2020 10:45 (UTC)
Fisher killed Ctrlandc with a PARTICLE NEMESIS E TG vs NExT Mon 18 May 2020 12:14 (UTC)
Andbang Upthebutt killed Ufaill with a SILENT HUNTER E BT vs TT Sun 17 May 2020 15:08 (UTC)
Chavo killed Webota with a HEW 'Liquid Fire' Rifle F City Administration Thu 14 May 2020 22:46 (UTC)
Monster killed Level Up with a CREED N PP vs TT Mon 11 May 2020 11:27 (UTC)
Gumadoo killed Ravenous with a SECOND LOVE N CM vs BT Sun 10 May 2020 19:57 (UTC)
Exoteis killed Regis Fermela with a HVSR-90 Ronin Sniper Rifle F Tsunami Syndicate Wed 29 Apr 2020 22:48 (UTC)
Marnie killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG 1 F City Administration Wed 08 Apr 2020 17:26 (UTC)
Evll Sith killed Jini with a Crahn Holy Energy Lance E TT vs BoC Fri 20 Mar 2020 20:09 (UTC)
Treuwart killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG-Gold F ProtoPharm Sun 23 Feb 2020 19:22 (UTC)
Sammaa killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F Brotherhood of Crahn Fri 31 May 2019 04:04 (UTC)
Dreamcatcher killed oneself with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-4 F NExT Thu 31 Jan 2019 15:08 (UTC)
Yurmiko killed Onewallfree with a HOLY LIGHTNING E TG vs TT Tue 22 Jan 2019 19:19 (UTC)
Dreamcatcher killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F NExT Sun 30 Dec 2019 07:50 (UTC)
Sneedle Woods killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F Fallen Angels Sun 23 Dec 2018 21:45 (UTC)
Warpig killed Gwen Stark with a WINDING ARGUMENT F TG vs FA Sat 27 Oct 2018 20:46 (UTC)