Stats DB

Runner stats

Runner name:Truth
Faction:Tangent Technologies

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:1726
Outpost zones:5726
Neofrag zones:101
NPC related:00
Self kills:0

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:1415
Neutral Faction:35
Enemy Faction:5832
Unknown Faction:00

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
Truth killed Disaster Ppu in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:26 (UTC)
Truth killed Kalahari Bandit in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:26 (UTC)
Truth killed Mefaill in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:25 (UTC)
Truth killed Monsterofthecosmos in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs CA Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:25 (UTC)
Truth killed Qee Dukbar in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs CA Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:24 (UTC)
Truth killed Cartouch in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY CAUSTIC RAIN E BD vs TT Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:22 (UTC)
Truth killed P P Pew in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:21 (UTC)
Truth killed Extortion in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY CAUSTIC RAIN E BD vs TT Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:21 (UTC)
Truth killed Disaster Ppu in I 04 - SWAMP with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Fri 22 Mar 2024 22:48 (UTC)
Truth killed Holy-Evil in I 04 - SWAMP with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Fri 22 Mar 2024 22:47 (UTC)
Truth killed Omnipotent in I 04 - SWAMP with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Fri 22 Mar 2024 22:46 (UTC)
Truth killed Ufail in I 04 - SWAMP with a HOLY CAUSTIC RAIN E BD vs TT Fri 22 Mar 2024 22:46 (UTC)
Truth killed Volker Putt in I 04 - SWAMP with a HOLY CAUSTIC RAIN E BD vs TT Fri 22 Mar 2024 22:44 (UTC)
Truth killed Qee in I 04 - SWAMP with a HOLY CAUSTIC RAIN E BD vs TT Fri 22 Mar 2024 22:41 (UTC)
Truth killed Pushy Tanky in F 11 - CANYONS with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Mon 11 Mar 2024 22:22 (UTC)
Truth killed Teysa in F 11 - CANYONS with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Mon 11 Mar 2024 22:21 (UTC)
Truth killed Boa Constrictor in F 11 - CANYONS with a HOLY EVISCERATION E BD vs TT Mon 11 Mar 2024 22:20 (UTC)
Truth killed Teysa in F 11 - CANYONS with a HOLY EVISCERATION E BD vs TT Mon 11 Mar 2024 22:19 (UTC)
Truth killed Free Cookies in F 11 - CANYONS with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Mon 11 Mar 2024 22:18 (UTC)
Truth killed Boa Constrictor in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Wed 14 Feb 2024 23:05 (UTC)
Truth killed Opiateofthemasses in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY EVISCERATION F Black Dragon Wed 14 Feb 2024 22:44 (UTC)
Truth killed Snipor in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F Black Dragon Wed 14 Feb 2024 22:28 (UTC)
Truth killed Kingslayer in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Wed 14 Feb 2024 22:24 (UTC)
Truth killed Pewlath in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Wed 14 Feb 2024 22:20 (UTC)
Truth killed Super Lame in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E BD vs TT Wed 14 Feb 2024 22:18 (UTC)
Truth killed Whysobad in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY CAUSTIC RAIN E BD vs TT Wed 14 Feb 2024 22:15 (UTC)
Truth killed Kalahari Bandit in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Fire Beam E BD vs CA Tue 23 Jan 2024 19:47 (UTC)
Truth killed Mefaill in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs TT Tue 23 Jan 2024 19:45 (UTC)
Truth killed Pewlath in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs CA Thu 23 Jun 2022 21:17 (UTC)
Truth killed Noloba in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs CA Thu 23 Jun 2022 21:16 (UTC)
Truth killed Bob Hoskins in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs CA Thu 23 Jun 2022 21:16 (UTC)
Truth killed Thedestroyer in D 09 - MOUNTAINS with a N/A E BD vs CA Wed 25 May 2022 21:04 (UTC)
Truth killed Eldar Gonzo in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack E BD vs CA Thu 05 May 2022 20:09 (UTC)
Truth killed Kryptonite in H 11 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Multi Energy Bolt E BD vs CA Thu 05 May 2022 19:53 (UTC)
Truth killed Passive Monk in H 11 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Thu 05 May 2022 19:52 (UTC)
Truth killed P P Pew in H 11 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack E BD vs CA Thu 05 May 2022 19:51 (UTC)
Truth killed Carl Tanzler-Moonez in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack F BD vs BoC Tue 03 May 2022 20:47 (UTC)
Truth killed Kingslayer in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Tue 03 May 2022 20:41 (UTC)
Truth killed Passive Monk in K 12 - DESERT with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Sun 01 May 2022 20:57 (UTC)
Truth killed Buff Daddy in F 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack E BD vs CA Thu 28 Apr 2022 18:31 (UTC)
Truth killed Notcreative in H 11 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack F BD vs BoC Wed 27 Apr 2022 21:15 (UTC)
Truth killed Kalahari Bandit in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Mon 25 Apr 2022 20:16 (UTC)
Truth killed Nexx in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack E BD vs CA Mon 25 Apr 2022 20:15 (UTC)
Truth killed Uncle Muscles in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack E BD vs CA Mon 25 Apr 2022 20:15 (UTC)
Truth killed Gunshift in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Mon 25 Apr 2022 20:11 (UTC)
Truth killed Armayer in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Sun 24 Apr 2022 21:24 (UTC)
Truth killed Kryptonite in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Sun 24 Apr 2022 21:19 (UTC)
Truth killed Big Papi in Reactor Room with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack E BD vs CA Sun 24 Apr 2022 20:48 (UTC)
Truth killed Monklath in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack E BD vs CA Mon 18 Apr 2022 21:40 (UTC)
Truth killed Henryetta in D 11 - MOUNTAINS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs TT Fri 15 Apr 2022 21:23 (UTC)
Truth killed Thebest in Reactor Room with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack E BD vs CA Wed 13 Apr 2022 22:06 (UTC)
Truth killed Bob Hoskins in E 10 - MOUNTAINS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Wed 13 Apr 2022 21:49 (UTC)
Truth killed Miracle in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Wed 13 Apr 2022 21:15 (UTC)
Truth killed Monklath in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Thu 07 Apr 2022 22:27 (UTC)
Truth killed Pewlath in H 11 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs CA Thu 07 Apr 2022 21:18 (UTC)
Truth killed Sgt Gonzo in H 11 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack E BD vs CA Sun 03 Apr 2022 21:21 (UTC)
Truth killed Buff Daddy in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs DRE Tue 12 Oct 2021 20:25 (UTC)
Truth killed Alek in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E BD vs TS Fri 08 Oct 2021 23:19 (UTC)
Truth killed Mr Rix in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Crahn Holy Multi Energy Bolt F Black Dragon Fri 08 Oct 2021 23:16 (UTC)
Truth killed Ufo in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam F Black Dragon Fri 08 Oct 2021 23:07 (UTC)
Truth killed Mr Rix in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Crahn Holy Energy Beam F Black Dragon Fri 08 Oct 2021 23:01 (UTC)
Truth killed Mr Rix in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam F Black Dragon Fri 08 Oct 2021 22:41 (UTC)
Truth beat Xtaz in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Crahn Holy Fire Beam F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:46 (UTC)
Truth beat Strac in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Crahn Holy Energy Beam F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:37 (UTC)
Truth beat Strac in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Crahn Holy Fire Beam F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:31 (UTC)
Truth beat Ufo in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Crahn Holy PSI Attack F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:28 (UTC)
Truth beat Ufo in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Crahn Holy Fire Beam F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:25 (UTC)
Truth beat Xtaz in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Crahn Holy Fire Beam F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:24 (UTC)
Truth beat Strac in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Crahn Holy Fire Beam F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:19 (UTC)
Truth killed Miracle in G 12 - CANYONS with a HOLY PYRE F BD vs BoC Wed 12 May 2021 22:07 (UTC)
Truth killed Ufo in Appartement with a HOLY PYRE F Black Dragon Wed 12 May 2021 19:34 (UTC)
Truth killed Nexx in G 12 - CANYONS with a HOLY PYRE E BD vs TT Tue 11 May 2021 21:23 (UTC)
Truth killed Haurus in I 04 - SWAMP with a HOLY PYRE E BD vs TT Wed 05 May 2021 22:42 (UTC)
Truth killed Cartouch in I 04 - SWAMP with a HOLY PYRE E BD vs TT Wed 05 May 2021 22:20 (UTC)
Truth killed Perforator in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs CA Tue 27 Apr 2021 00:33 (UTC)
Truth killed Holy Angel in I 05 - WASTELANDS with a HOLY CORROSION F Black Dragon Wed 21 Apr 2021 22:30 (UTC)
Truth killed Rumble Steelskin in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs CM Wed 21 Apr 2021 21:42 (UTC)
Truth killed Tetsuo in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY CORROSION F BD vs BoC Wed 21 Apr 2021 21:25 (UTC)
Truth killed Bob Hoskins in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY CORROSION F BD vs BoC Wed 21 Apr 2021 21:22 (UTC)
Truth killed Kira in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a HOLY FROSTBITE N BD vs NExT Tue 20 Apr 2021 22:22 (UTC)
Truth killed Tortuga in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a HOLY FROSTBITE N BD vs NExT Tue 20 Apr 2021 14:15 (UTC)
Truth killed Tortuga in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a HOLY FROSTBITE N BD vs NExT Wed 14 Apr 2021 17:36 (UTC)
Truth killed The Pacifist in PEPPER PARK SEC-3 with a HOLY PYRE E BD vs FA Sun 11 Apr 2021 14:50 (UTC)
Truth beat Mmartin in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY CORROSION E TT vs BD Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:34 (UTC)
Truth beat Mmartin in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY PYRE E TT vs BD Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:31 (UTC)
Truth beat Mmartin in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY CORROSION E TT vs BD Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:30 (UTC)
Truth beat Mmartin in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY CORROSION E TT vs BD Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:29 (UTC)
Truth beat Mmartin in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY CORROSION E TT vs BD Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:28 (UTC)
Truth killed Ahzek Ahriman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E TT vs FA Wed 30 Nov 2016 22:16 (UTC)
Truth killed Jessilee in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY FROSTRATION F TT vs CM Wed 30 Nov 2016 22:00 (UTC)
Truth killed Whysobad in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Crahn Holy Toxic Beam E TT vs FA Sun 27 Nov 2016 18:40 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Irhealzor killed Truth in H 09 - STEPPE with a HOLY CAUSTIC RAIN F Black Dragon Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:32 (UTC)
Mandalorian killed Truth in F 11 - CANYONS with a FIRST LOVE E CA vs BD Mon 11 Mar 2024 22:25 (UTC)
Free Cookies killed Truth in F 11 - CANYONS with a RAY OF LAST HOPE E TT vs BD Mon 11 Mar 2024 22:22 (UTC)
Big Papi killed Truth in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a PEACEMAKER E CA vs BD Wed 14 Feb 2024 23:05 (UTC)
He Hate Me killed Truth in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a EXECUTIONER E TT vs BD Wed 14 Feb 2024 22:26 (UTC)
Buddy Holly killed Truth in F 12 - CANYONS with a SILENT HUNTER F Black Dragon Tue 13 Feb 2024 22:30 (UTC)
Ufaill killed Truth in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a Crahn Holy Toxic Lance E CA vs BD Thu 23 Jun 2022 21:20 (UTC)
Sgt Gonzo killed Truth in Reactor Room with a DOOM BEAMER E CA vs BD Wed 25 May 2022 22:33 (UTC)
Fisher killed Truth in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a REVENGE N TG vs BD Tue 24 May 2022 21:54 (UTC)
Armayer killed Truth in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a Ionic Shotgun Cannon E CA vs BD Thu 05 May 2022 21:12 (UTC)
Captain Gonzo killed Truth in G 12 - CANYONS with a SLASHER E CA vs BD Thu 05 May 2022 20:13 (UTC)
Holy-Evil killed Truth in I 08 - MOUNTAINS with a HOLY EVISCERATION E CA vs BD Thu 05 May 2022 19:29 (UTC)
Fisher killed Truth in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a REVENGE N TG vs BD Tue 03 May 2022 20:47 (UTC)
Aruwang killed Truth in F 05 - GRASSLAND with a PAIN EASER F Black Dragon Tue 03 May 2022 20:33 (UTC)
Kalahari Bandit killed Truth in Appartement with a HEALING LIGHT E CA vs BD Sun 01 May 2022 12:34 (UTC)
Majin Buu killed Truth in TEZLA UNDERGROUND with a TERMINATOR E CA vs BD Mon 25 Apr 2022 20:35 (UTC)
Haywood Jablowme killed Truth in TEZLA UNDERGROUND with a PEACEMAKER E CA vs BD Sun 24 Apr 2022 22:44 (UTC)
Armayer killed Truth in G 12 - CANYONS with a Ionic Shotgun Cannon E CA vs BD Sun 24 Apr 2022 20:56 (UTC)
Ufail killed Truth in F 12 - CANYONS with a Juggernaut Crossbow Pistol E CA vs BD Wed 20 Apr 2022 21:19 (UTC)
Crazy Harry killed Truth in D 11 - MOUNTAINS with a CREED E DRE vs BD Fri 15 Apr 2022 21:03 (UTC)
Ufaill killed Truth in Reactor Room with a HOLY EVISCERATION E CA vs BD Wed 13 Apr 2022 22:08 (UTC)
Pewlath killed Truth in G 12 - CANYONS with a HOLY EVISCERATION E CA vs BD Sat 09 Apr 2022 23:10 (UTC)
Ufail killed Truth in G 12 - CANYONS with a Ionic Shotgun Pistol E CA vs BD Thu 07 Apr 2022 22:27 (UTC)
Captain Gonzo killed Truth in H 11 - CANYONS with a SUCKER PUNCH E CA vs BD Thu 07 Apr 2022 21:36 (UTC)
Gunshift killed Truth in H 11 - CANYONS with a RAY OF GOD F BoC vs BD Thu 07 Apr 2022 21:28 (UTC)
Urmum killed Truth in F 12 - CANYONS with a REDEEMER F Black Dragon Wed 06 Apr 2022 21:40 (UTC)
Bob Hoskins killed Truth in Reactor Room with a THE ANARCHIST E CA vs BD Tue 11 Jan 2022 20:16 (UTC)
Fatal killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a CURSED SOUL F Black Dragon Fri 08 Oct 2021 23:09 (UTC)
Fatal killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a CURSED SOUL F Black Dragon Fri 08 Oct 2021 23:01 (UTC)
Smoke killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Ionic Shotgun Pistol F Black Dragon Fri 08 Oct 2021 22:38 (UTC)
Smoke killed Truth in PLAZA SEC-3 with a LIBERATOR F Black Dragon Wed 22 Sep 2021 23:33 (UTC)
Terrible Serrible beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Ionic Shotgun Pistol F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:52 (UTC)
Feuerzangenbowle beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a MALEDICTION F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:48 (UTC)
Feuerzangenbowle beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a MALEDICTION F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:46 (UTC)
Strac beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a SUCKER PUNCH F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:43 (UTC)
Lapse beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Ionic Shotgun Pistol F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:35 (UTC)
Strac beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a LIBERATOR F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:32 (UTC)
Lapse beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Ionic Shotgun Pistol F Black Dragon Thu 10 Jun 2021 21:21 (UTC)
Stupidlath killed Truth in TEZLA UNDERGROUND with a DOOM BEAMER F BoC vs BD Wed 12 May 2021 22:09 (UTC)
Stupidlath killed Truth in G 12 - CANYONS with a DOOM BEAMER F BoC vs BD Wed 12 May 2021 22:07 (UTC)
Holy Angel killed Truth in SIEGER UNDERGROUND with a Crahn Holy Multi Energy Bolt F Black Dragon Wed 05 May 2021 22:34 (UTC)
Cartouch killed Truth in I 04 - SWAMP with a DISRUPTOR E TT vs BD Wed 05 May 2021 22:21 (UTC)
Snowcrash killed Truth in C 08 - GRASSLAND with a Mosquito N BT vs BD Wed 21 Apr 2021 22:03 (UTC)
Rumble Steelskin killed Truth in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a Crahn Holy Fire Lance E CM vs BD Wed 21 Apr 2021 21:42 (UTC)
Ufaill killed Truth in G 12 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Toxic Lance F BoC vs BD Wed 21 Apr 2021 21:02 (UTC)
Bob Hoskins killed Truth in G 12 - CANYONS with a Ionic Shotgun Pistol F BoC vs BD Wed 21 Apr 2021 20:48 (UTC)
Tortuga killed Truth in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-4 N NExT vs BD Tue 20 Apr 2021 22:23 (UTC)
Mmartin beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY PYRE E BD vs TT Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:34 (UTC)
Mmartin beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY PYRE E BD vs TT Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:33 (UTC)
Mmartin beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY FROSTBITE E BD vs TT Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:32 (UTC)
Mmartin beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs TT Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:28 (UTC)
Mmartin beat Truth in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs TT Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:25 (UTC)
Trenana Rinslet killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM N PP vs TT Wed 07 Apr 2021 22:05 (UTC)
Mmartin killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs TT Tue 06 Apr 2021 22:17 (UTC)
Mmartin killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs TT Tue 06 Apr 2021 22:17 (UTC)
Mmartin killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs TT Tue 06 Apr 2021 22:16 (UTC)
Mmartin killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs TT Tue 06 Apr 2021 22:16 (UTC)
Mmartin killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs TT Tue 06 Apr 2021 22:16 (UTC)
Mmartin killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs TT Tue 06 Apr 2021 22:16 (UTC)
Mmartin killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY CORROSION E BD vs TT Tue 06 Apr 2021 22:16 (UTC)
The Belt Collector killed Truth in A 08 - CLIFF LINE with a REVENGE F DRE vs TT Sat 03 Apr 2021 13:01 (UTC)
Droidle killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E FA vs TT Wed 30 Nov 2016 22:20 (UTC)
Droidle killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE E FA vs TT Wed 30 Nov 2016 22:03 (UTC)
Whysobad killed Truth in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Ceres Handgun BHG-9 E FA vs TT Sun 27 Nov 2016 18:39 (UTC)