Stats DB

Runner stats

Runner name:Private Schneewittchen
Faction:City Mercs

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:10
Outpost zones:00
Neofrag zones:00
NPC related:00
Self kills:5

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:10
Neutral Faction:00
Enemy Faction:00
Unknown Faction:00

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a Stealth Activator III F City Mercs Mon 25 Dec 2023 22:54 (UTC)
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a Stealth Activator II F City Mercs Sun 17 Dec 2023 20:53 (UTC)
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a Stealth Activator II F City Mercs Sun 10 Dec 2023 23:38 (UTC)
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-3 F City Mercs Sun 10 Dec 2023 22:37 (UTC)
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in J 01 - MB SECTOR with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-1 F City Mercs Fri 01 Dec 2023 23:11 (UTC)
Private Schneewittchen killed Jennifer Rush in J 01 - MB SECTOR with a HEW Laser Assault Drone GAL-1 F City Mercs Fri 01 Dec 2023 22:28 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a Stealth Activator III F City Mercs Mon 25 Dec 2023 22:54 (UTC)
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a Stealth Activator II F City Mercs Sun 17 Dec 2023 20:53 (UTC)
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a Stealth Activator II F City Mercs Sun 10 Dec 2023 23:38 (UTC)
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-3 F City Mercs Sun 10 Dec 2023 22:37 (UTC)
Private Schneewittchen killed oneself in J 01 - MB SECTOR with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-1 F City Mercs Fri 01 Dec 2023 23:11 (UTC)