Stats DB

Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Seed killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Fallen Angels Fri 03 May 2024 05:25 (UTC)
Wreith killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F Fallen Angels Fri 29 Mar 2024 14:09 (UTC)
Holy Priest killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Black Dragon Fri 29 Mar 2024 06:15 (UTC)
Cassecouille killed oneself with a Stealthtool F BioTech Systems Sun 10 Mar 2024 11:49 (UTC)
Powpow killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F BioTech Systems Wed 07 Feb 2024 03:43 (UTC)
Angelbaby killed oneself with a Stealthtool F Tangent Technologies Sat 03 Feb 2024 10:02 (UTC)
Tungsten killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F NExT Tue 30 Jan 2024 09:14 (UTC)
Wreith killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Fallen Angels Tue 23 Jan 2024 03:54 (UTC)
Ufail killed Thedestroyer with a Tangent Assault Pulselaser Pistol F Tangent Technologies Wed 17 Jan 2024 22:21 (UTC)
Ufail killed Avacyn with a Tangent Assault Pulselaser Pistol F TT vs DRE Wed 17 Jan 2024 22:15 (UTC)
Little Purple Sock killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F Tangent Technologies Sun 14 Jan 2024 16:11 (UTC)
Hank Moody killed oneself with a Stealthtool F Tsunami Syndicate Sat 13 Jan 2024 15:27 (UTC)
Ipman killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F Tangent Technologies Fri 15 Dec 2023 01:42 (UTC)
Cherrypie killed oneself with a SUCKER PUNCH F Tsunami Syndicate Thu 07 Dec 2023 01:49 (UTC)
Eva Rimtell killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Tangent Technologies Fri 01 Dec 2023 06:51 (UTC)
Ghost Meme killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F NExT Thu 30 Nov 2023 18:56 (UTC)
Gimmethat killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F BioTech Systems Mon 10 Jul 2023 15:59 (UTC)
Oktanych killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Tsunami Syndicate Fri 04 Nov 2022 11:19 (UTC)
Morrigan killed Gleifi with a PAIN EASER F Black Dragon Wed 13 Jul 2022 20:00 (UTC)
Andbang Upthebutt killed Sylvester Stillowns with a SILENT HUNTER F BT vs CA Tue 19 Apr 2022 20:11 (UTC)
Osmium killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F BioTech Systems Sun 05 Sep 2021 19:31 (UTC)
Stanton killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F City Administration Wed 16 Jun 2021 19:52 (UTC)
Fivefingerdeathpunch killed oneself with a Stealthtool F Fallen Angels Sat 08 May 2021 12:24 (UTC)
Silent Avenger killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F City Administration Tue 23 Mar 2021 20:14 (UTC)
Kissme Im Spanish killed oneself with a Stealthtool F Fallen Angels Wed 17 Mar 2021 17:14 (UTC)
Wade killed Hergart with a Ionic Shotgun Cannon E BD vs TT Sat 06 Mar 2021 22:32 (UTC)
Ufail killed oneself with a Stealthtool F Tangent Technologies Sat 06 Mar 2021 22:16 (UTC)
Neonx killed Ufail with a SUMMER LEECH E BD vs TT Sat 06 Mar 2021 21:07 (UTC)
Clara killed Starchen with a SILENT HUNTER F BD vs PP Sat 06 Mar 2021 21:06 (UTC)
Clara killed Typherra with a SILENT HUNTER E BD vs TT Sat 06 Mar 2021 21:05 (UTC)
Clara killed Tritiber with a SILENT HUNTER E BD vs FA Sat 06 Mar 2021 19:49 (UTC)
Tritiber killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F Fallen Angels Thu 04 Mar 2021 11:22 (UTC)
Bobby Brown killed Pure Ownage with a REDEEMER F PP vs BD Mon 01 Mar 2021 20:20 (UTC)
Runew killed Kaeptn Krawall with a RAVAGER E BD vs CM Sun 28 Feb 2021 12:36 (UTC)
Dasore killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F Black Dragon Thu 25 Feb 2021 18:19 (UTC)
Aneii killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F Tsunami Syndicate Thu 25 Feb 2021 18:14 (UTC)
Tarkus Tankus Chungus killed oneself with a Tangent GL-253c Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sun 01 Nov 2020 15:30 (UTC)
Mcnusite killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG-Gold F Brotherhood of Crahn Sat 25 Jul 2020 14:41 (UTC)
Verdrood killed oneself with a Stealthtool F City Mercs Sun 12 Jan 2020 22:01 (UTC)
Mcda killed oneself with a Stealth Activator F City Administration Sun 11 Aug 2019 07:53 (UTC)
Mcda killed oneself with a Stealth Activator F City Administration Wed 07 Aug 2019 16:52 (UTC)
Mcda killed oneself with a Stealth Activator F City Administration Tue 06 Aug 2019 18:30 (UTC)
Mcnusite killed oneself with a Crahn Creature Focus CAG 1 F Brotherhood of Crahn Tue 06 Aug 2019 17:27 (UTC)
Mcda killed oneself with a Stealth Activator F City Administration Tue 06 Aug 2019 17:20 (UTC)
Mcnusite killed oneself with a Crahn Creature Focus CAG 1 F Brotherhood of Crahn Mon 05 Aug 2019 19:11 (UTC)
Mcda killed oneself with a Stealth Activator F City Administration Mon 05 Aug 2019 18:25 (UTC)
Montehall killed oneself with a Stealth Activator F NExT Sun 02 Dec 2018 14:25 (UTC)
Dreed killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F BioTech Systems Sun 10 Jun 2018 05:36 (UTC)