Stats DB

Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Creampie killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F Black Dragon Sun 21 Feb 2021 19:29 (UTC)
Mecano killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sun 21 Feb 2021 00:35 (UTC)
Grimmtails killed oneself with a A&W Marksman Assault Drone RF-1 F City Administration Mon 15 Feb 2021 04:52 (UTC)
Kurix killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Tue 19 Jan 2021 11:14 (UTC)
Kurix killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Tue 19 Jan 2021 11:08 (UTC)
Stephmo killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sat 29 Aug 2020 02:55 (UTC)
Rockyy killed Jackblack with a Crahn Blessed Fire Halo E BD vs FA Sat 22 Aug 2020 14:43 (UTC)
Rockyy killed Jackblack with a Crahn Blessed Fire Halo E BD vs FA Sat 22 Aug 2020 14:42 (UTC)
Raythach killed oneself with a Unlabeled Frag Grenade F Tangent Technologies Sun 26 Apr 2020 20:22 (UTC)
Adam Jensen Jr killed Mick Resser with a Mendicant Rifle E BT vs TT Thu 27 Jun 2019 10:13 (UTC)
Monkeygif killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Tangent Technologies Sun 02 Jun 2019 16:31 (UTC)
Zubzar killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F City Administration Sat 06 Apr 2019 16:02 (UTC)
T Ninety killed oneself with a Crahn Creature Focus CAG 1 F Brotherhood of Crahn Thu 31 Jan 2019 17:24 (UTC)
Babymaker killed Homunculus with a Special Alloy Knife F Black Dragon Sat 15 Dec 2018 19:39 (UTC)
Brucie killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Tsunami Syndicate Thu 25 Oct 2018 11:12 (UTC)
Brucie killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Tsunami Syndicate Thu 25 Oct 2018 04:48 (UTC)
Lasivia killed oneself with a Crahn Creature Focus CAG 1 F City Administration Thu 28 Jun 2018 21:41 (UTC)
Leeteldrich killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F BioTech Systems Thu 19 Oct 2017 14:30 (UTC)
Leeteldrich killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F BioTech Systems Thu 19 Oct 2017 13:26 (UTC)
Panzerfauste killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F City Mercs Tue 17 Oct 2017 19:54 (UTC)
Unreal killed Robert Lee with a THUNDERSTORM N BT vs BD Fri 06 Oct 2017 03:33 (UTC)
Unreal killed Babauba with a THUNDERSTORM F BT vs CA Wed 27 Sep 2017 15:30 (UTC)
Greyswandir killed oneself with a ZG 21 Drone F Tsunami Syndicate Wed 16 Aug 2017 13:12 (UTC)
Cy Reaper killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Fallen Angels Fri 21 Jul 2017 20:18 (UTC)
Horyship Urbrefstink killed Leshrak with a BLACKMIST'S REMORSE E BD vs TT Fri 21 Jul 2017 20:12 (UTC)
Exodus killed Chazz with a HOLY CAUSTIC RAIN E BD vs CA Sat 10 Jun 2017 14:23 (UTC)
Jezza killed Maxx with a 'Blacksun' RP-97 E BD vs FA Sun 29 Jan 2017 18:17 (UTC)
Dexy Colt killed Tankem with a Ionic Shotgun Pistol E TT vs BD Tue 17 Jan 2017 21:49 (UTC)
Dostumov killed oneself with a N/A U No Faction Thu 05 Jan 2017 05:12 (UTC)
Talktomyaim killed Hazuk with a DISRUPTOR E TS vs BD Sat 12 Nov 2016 22:45 (UTC)
Ufail killed Shimma with a Juggernaut Crossbow Pistol E TG vs CA Sat 12 Nov 2016 21:40 (UTC)
Ufail killed Nyro with a Juggernaut Crossbow Pistol E TG vs CA Sat 12 Nov 2016 21:40 (UTC)