Stats DB

Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Jan Grimmore killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Diamond Real Estate Sat 25 May 2024 18:03 (UTC)
Elsi killed oneself with a HEW Raygun Battle Drone RG-1 F City Administration Sun 31 Mar 2024 14:33 (UTC)
Dude With Car killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F NExT Thu 25 Jan 2024 21:48 (UTC)
Freaks killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Sun 21 Jan 2024 13:09 (UTC)
Freaks killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Sun 21 Jan 2024 13:00 (UTC)
Ghamblore killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sun 31 Dec 2024 11:02 (UTC)
Solarium killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F City Administration Fri 19 May 2023 02:38 (UTC)
Doomvur killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Tue 30 Aug 2022 12:24 (UTC)
Norman Gates killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F NExT Sun 11 Jul 2021 18:37 (UTC)
James Jordan killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sat 19 Jun 2021 18:43 (UTC)
Drunken Monkey killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F ProtoPharm Mon 19 Apr 2021 21:33 (UTC)
Chetoso killed oneself with a Crahn Toxic Ball Blast F City Administration Sat 13 Mar 2021 17:27 (UTC)