Stats DB

Runner stats

Runner name:Hogg
Faction:Black Dragon

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:2411
Outpost zones:97
Neofrag zones:71
NPC related:00
Self kills:25

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:96
Neutral Faction:65
Enemy Faction:208
Unknown Faction:00

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
Hogg killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER F Brotherhood of Crahn Thu 30 Nov 2023 01:25 (UTC)
Hogg killed Cu Nt in BATTLEFIELD DOY SECTOR 4 with a DOOM BEAMER F BoC vs BD Sun 26 Nov 2023 20:59 (UTC)
Hogg killed Teysa in PEPPER PARK SEC-3 with a CREED E BoC vs DRE Sun 26 Nov 2023 16:03 (UTC)
Hogg killed Barterguy in The Room with a DOOM BEAMER F BoC vs BD Sun 29 Oct 2023 20:56 (UTC)
Hogg killed Aleha in The Room with a DOOM BEAMER N BoC vs CM Sun 29 Oct 2023 20:35 (UTC)
Hogg killed John Deedrah in The Room with a DOOM BEAMER N BoC vs PP Sun 29 Oct 2023 19:42 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a DOOM BEAMER F Fallen Angels Sun 17 Sep 2023 19:36 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a DOOM BEAMER F Fallen Angels Sun 17 Sep 2023 19:23 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a DOOM BEAMER F Fallen Angels Sun 17 Sep 2023 19:01 (UTC)
Hogg killed Monster in F 12 - CANYONS with a RAVAGER E FA vs BD Mon 11 Sep 2023 21:41 (UTC)
Hogg killed Brendan Murphy in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a CURSED SOUL N BT vs BD Sat 19 Aug 2023 19:53 (UTC)
Hogg killed Shalomi in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a DOOM BEAMER E BT vs TS Sat 19 Aug 2023 18:54 (UTC)
Hogg killed Lepida in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a DOOM BEAMER N BT vs NExT Sat 19 Aug 2023 18:50 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a DOOM BEAMER F BioTech Systems Sat 19 Aug 2023 18:40 (UTC)
Hogg killed Infectedrat in H 15 - CANYONS with a RAVAGER N BT vs BD Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:41 (UTC)
Hogg killed Selendis in H 15 - CANYONS with a DEVOURER F BT vs CA Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:26 (UTC)
Hogg killed Schabernack in H 15 - CANYONS with a DEVOURER F BT vs CA Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:19 (UTC)
Hogg killed Backhander in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a DOOM BEAMER E NExT vs PP Mon 29 May 2023 12:10 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in ABANDONED FALLEN ANGELS HQ with a DOOM BEAMER F NExT Wed 12 Apr 2023 19:24 (UTC)
Hogg beat Nakothe in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a DEVOURER N TS vs TG Sat 31 Dec 2022 23:04 (UTC)
Hogg beat Nakothe in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a CURSED SOUL N TS vs TG Sat 31 Dec 2022 23:01 (UTC)
Hogg beat Nakothe in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a CURSED SOUL N TS vs TG Sat 31 Dec 2022 22:56 (UTC)
Hogg beat Nakothe in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a DEVOURER N TS vs TG Sat 31 Dec 2022 22:53 (UTC)
Hogg beat Nakothe in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a DEVOURER N TS vs TG Sat 31 Dec 2022 22:47 (UTC)
Hogg beat Nakothe in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a CURSED SOUL N TS vs TG Sat 31 Dec 2022 22:43 (UTC)
Hogg beat Nakothe in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a CURSED SOUL N TS vs TG Sat 31 Dec 2022 22:39 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER F Tsunami Syndicate Wed 07 Dec 2022 23:52 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER F Tsunami Syndicate Tue 06 Dec 2022 20:35 (UTC)
Hogg killed Monkeymajic in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER E TS vs CA Sun 04 Dec 2022 18:31 (UTC)
Hogg killed Pizzathehutt-Res in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER E TS vs CA Sun 04 Dec 2022 18:31 (UTC)
Hogg killed Monkeymajic in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER E TS vs CA Sun 04 Dec 2022 18:30 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER F Tsunami Syndicate Sun 04 Dec 2022 18:27 (UTC)
Hogg killed Mr Tank in GRAVE with a DOOM BEAMER F Black Dragon Sat 02 Jul 2022 23:24 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in DESERT UNDERGROUND CITY 1 with a DOOM BEAMER F Black Dragon Fri 01 Jul 2022 23:28 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in DESERT UNDERGROUND CITY 1 with a DOOM BEAMER F Black Dragon Fri 01 Jul 2022 10:35 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in DESERT UNDERGROUND CITY 1 with a DOOM BEAMER F Black Dragon Fri 01 Jul 2022 01:45 (UTC)
Hogg killed Buddy Holly in SIMMONS UNDERGROUND with a CURSED SOUL F Black Dragon Wed 22 Jun 2022 22:21 (UTC)
Hogg killed Kole in F 12 - CANYONS with a CURSED SOUL E BD vs CA Wed 22 Jun 2022 21:14 (UTC)
Hogg killed Locomoko in F 12 - CANYONS with a DOOM BEAMER E BD vs CA Wed 22 Jun 2022 21:12 (UTC)
Hogg killed Pushy Tanky in F 12 - CANYONS with a CURSED SOUL E BD vs CA Wed 22 Jun 2022 21:07 (UTC)
Hogg killed Nauro in H 11 - CANYONS with a CURSED SOUL E BD vs CA Wed 22 Jun 2022 20:45 (UTC)
Hogg killed Monklath in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a RAVAGER E BD vs CA Tue 21 Jun 2022 21:59 (UTC)
Hogg killed Kenny Powers in Reactor Room with a DEVOURER E BD vs CA Wed 25 May 2022 22:38 (UTC)
Hogg killed Everyone On in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a MIRL-600 Warhammer F Black Dragon Tue 24 May 2022 22:12 (UTC)
Hogg killed Balisticy in PLAZA SEC-3 with a DEVOURER E BD vs CA Wed 18 May 2022 22:08 (UTC)
Hogg killed Paul Wall in K 10 - DESERT with a CREED E BD vs DRE Fri 22 Apr 2022 20:20 (UTC)
Hogg killed Waltraut in PEPPER PARK SEC-2 with a RAVAGER E BD vs CA Sun 17 Apr 2022 22:01 (UTC)
Hogg killed Bob Hoskins in Reactor Room with a RAVAGER E BD vs CA Sat 09 Apr 2022 20:40 (UTC)
Hogg killed Cindysandra in H 15 - CANYONS with a N/A E BD vs TS Sat 09 Apr 2022 19:21 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in E 03 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Fri 07 May 2021 01:24 (UTC)
Hogg killed Vancy Bak in BANEFUL SPIDER CAVE with a CREED N BD vs BT Sun 18 Apr 2021 19:26 (UTC)
Hogg killed Revslad in PLAZA SEC-3 with a WINDING ARGUMENT F CM vs TS Sat 03 Apr 2021 20:46 (UTC)
Hogg killed Revslad in PLAZA SEC-3 with a WINDING ARGUMENT F CM vs TS Sat 03 Apr 2021 20:39 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in A 06 - CLIFF LINE with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Sat 10 Oct 2020 01:44 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in A 06 - CLIFF LINE with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Wed 07 Oct 2020 01:18 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in A 06 - CLIFF LINE with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Sun 04 Oct 2020 17:16 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in A 06 - CLIFF LINE with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Sun 04 Oct 2020 13:11 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in MAINSEWER SEC-5 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Tue 22 Sep 2020 23:11 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in MAINSEWER SEC-5 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Tue 22 Sep 2020 23:06 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in TUNNEL I with a MALEDICTION F Black Dragon Thu 10 Sep 2020 19:40 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in TUNNEL I with a MALEDICTION F Black Dragon Thu 10 Sep 2020 19:18 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in D 06 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Wed 26 Aug 2020 20:46 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in D 06 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Mon 24 Aug 2020 19:19 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in D 06 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Mon 24 Aug 2020 00:24 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in D 06 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Sat 22 Aug 2020 20:22 (UTC)
Hogg killed Paul Wall in BANEFUL SPIDER CAVE with a WINDING ARGUMENT E BD vs DRE Fri 31 Jul 2020 23:50 (UTC)
Hogg killed Winschee in B 06 - CLIFF LINE with a RAVAGER E BD vs TT Fri 31 Jul 2020 23:38 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Hogg killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER F Brotherhood of Crahn Thu 30 Nov 2023 01:25 (UTC)
Lepida killed Hogg in K 14 - DESERT with a Ryker 'Napalm' PP-42 F TG vs BoC Sun 26 Nov 2023 21:33 (UTC)
Ridged killed Hogg in BATTLEFIELD DOY SECTOR 4 with a DOOM BEAMER E CA vs BoC Sun 26 Nov 2023 20:56 (UTC)
Yurmiko killed Hogg in The Room with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F TG vs BoC Sun 29 Oct 2023 20:50 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a DOOM BEAMER F Fallen Angels Sun 17 Sep 2023 19:36 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a DOOM BEAMER F Fallen Angels Sun 17 Sep 2023 19:23 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a DOOM BEAMER F Fallen Angels Sun 17 Sep 2023 19:01 (UTC)
Lepida killed Hogg in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Judgement Day Launcher N NExT vs BT Sat 19 Aug 2023 19:00 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a DOOM BEAMER F BioTech Systems Sat 19 Aug 2023 18:40 (UTC)
Kyatoshimara killed Hogg in H 15 - CANYONS with a SILENT HUNTER E TS vs BT Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:50 (UTC)
Kyatoshimara killed Hogg in H 15 - CANYONS with a SILENT HUNTER E TS vs BT Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:50 (UTC)
Kyatoshimara killed Hogg in H 15 - CANYONS with a SILENT HUNTER E TS vs BT Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:45 (UTC)
Schabernack killed Hogg in H 15 - CANYONS with a HOLY EVISCERATION F CA vs BT Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:42 (UTC)
Schabernack killed Hogg in H 15 - CANYONS with a Crahn Holy Fire Lance F CA vs BT Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:40 (UTC)
Keiringer Luxiatsia killed Hogg in H 15 - CANYONS with a SILENT HUNTER F CA vs BT Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:23 (UTC)
Keiringer Luxiatsia killed Hogg in H 15 - CANYONS with a SILENT HUNTER F CA vs BT Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:22 (UTC)
Hayabusa killed Hogg in H 15 - CANYONS with a SLASHER N NExT vs BT Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:20 (UTC)
Orochi killed Hogg in H 15 - CANYONS with a HOLY EVISCERATION E TS vs BT Sun 06 Aug 2023 20:13 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in ABANDONED FALLEN ANGELS HQ with a DOOM BEAMER F NExT Wed 12 Apr 2023 19:24 (UTC)
Nakothe beat Hogg in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a Raygun 'Yagers Gaze' N TG vs TS Sat 31 Dec 2022 23:04 (UTC)
Nakothe beat Hogg in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a Raygun 'Yagers Gaze' N TG vs TS Sat 31 Dec 2022 22:59 (UTC)
Nakothe beat Hogg in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a Raygun 'Yagers Gaze' N TG vs TS Sat 31 Dec 2022 22:56 (UTC)
Nakothe beat Hogg in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 3 with a Raygun 'Yagers Gaze' N TG vs TS Sat 31 Dec 2022 22:54 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER F Tsunami Syndicate Wed 07 Dec 2022 23:52 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER F Tsunami Syndicate Tue 06 Dec 2022 20:35 (UTC)
Ray J killed Hogg in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER E BT vs TS Tue 06 Dec 2022 00:26 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a DOOM BEAMER F Tsunami Syndicate Sun 04 Dec 2022 18:27 (UTC)
Trakr killed Hogg in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a RAPTURE E PP vs TS Sun 30 Oct 2022 21:17 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in DESERT UNDERGROUND CITY 1 with a DOOM BEAMER F Black Dragon Fri 01 Jul 2022 23:28 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in DESERT UNDERGROUND CITY 1 with a DOOM BEAMER F Black Dragon Fri 01 Jul 2022 10:35 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in DESERT UNDERGROUND CITY 1 with a DOOM BEAMER F Black Dragon Fri 01 Jul 2022 01:45 (UTC)
Buddy Holly killed Hogg in SIMMONS UNDERGROUND with a SILENT HUNTER F Black Dragon Wed 22 Jun 2022 22:18 (UTC)
Bob Hoskins killed Hogg in H 11 - CANYONS with a Enhanced Plasma Rifle E CA vs BD Wed 22 Jun 2022 20:48 (UTC)
Shogun Execution killed Hogg in C 09 - GRASSLAND with a RAPTURE F BoC vs BD Tue 21 Jun 2022 22:01 (UTC)
Starq killed Hogg in Reactor Room with a THE ANARCHIST N TG vs BD Sat 09 Apr 2022 20:52 (UTC)
Iron Hide killed Hogg in LABORATORY FACILITY - DETENTION with a DOOM BEAMER N TG vs BD Fri 08 Apr 2022 19:36 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in E 03 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Fri 07 May 2021 01:24 (UTC)
Vegapunk killed Hogg in C 06 - CLIFF LINE with a Mosquito N BT vs BD Sun 18 Apr 2021 20:12 (UTC)
Harvey Birdman killed Hogg in BANEFUL SPIDER CAVE with a HOLY TRUE SIGHT SANCTUM F Black Dragon Sun 18 Apr 2021 19:56 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in A 06 - CLIFF LINE with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Sat 10 Oct 2020 01:44 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in A 06 - CLIFF LINE with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Wed 07 Oct 2020 01:18 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in A 06 - CLIFF LINE with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Sun 04 Oct 2020 17:16 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in A 06 - CLIFF LINE with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Sun 04 Oct 2020 13:11 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in MAINSEWER SEC-5 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Tue 22 Sep 2020 23:11 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in MAINSEWER SEC-5 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Tue 22 Sep 2020 23:06 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in TUNNEL I with a MALEDICTION F Black Dragon Thu 10 Sep 2020 19:40 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in TUNNEL I with a MALEDICTION F Black Dragon Thu 10 Sep 2020 19:18 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in D 06 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Wed 26 Aug 2020 20:46 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in D 06 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Mon 24 Aug 2020 19:19 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in D 06 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Mon 24 Aug 2020 00:24 (UTC)
Hogg killed oneself in D 06 - SWAMP with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Black Dragon Sat 22 Aug 2020 20:22 (UTC)
Paul Wall killed Hogg in H 09 - STEPPE with a Crahn Holy DamageBoost E DRE vs BD Fri 31 Jul 2020 21:51 (UTC)