Stats DB

Runner stats

Runner name:Brainstorm

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:42
Outpost zones:00
Neofrag zones:00
NPC related:00
Self kills:10

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:01
Neutral Faction:41
Enemy Faction:00
Unknown Faction:00

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 19:55 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 02:09 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 01:50 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a SUCKER PUNCH F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 01:02 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 00:49 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 00:01 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed Ingenuity in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher N PP vs TT Tue 26 Jul 2022 22:51 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed Matuta in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher N PP vs TT Tue 26 Jul 2022 22:50 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed Matuta in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher N PP vs TT Tue 26 Jul 2022 22:42 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed Matuta in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher N PP vs TT Tue 26 Jul 2022 22:21 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Ryker Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Tue 26 Jul 2022 20:56 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a 'Defender' Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Tue 26 Jul 2022 20:18 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a 'Defender' Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Tue 26 Jul 2022 19:29 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a 'Defender' Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Tue 26 Jul 2022 19:09 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Furinax killed Brainstorm in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Claw of the Lizard F CA vs PP Wed 27 Jul 2022 20:11 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 19:55 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 02:09 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 01:50 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a SUCKER PUNCH F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 01:02 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 00:49 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Wed 27 Jul 2022 00:01 (UTC)
Matuta killed Brainstorm in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel N TT vs PP Tue 26 Jul 2022 23:11 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a Ryker Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Tue 26 Jul 2022 20:56 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a 'Defender' Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Tue 26 Jul 2022 20:18 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a 'Defender' Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Tue 26 Jul 2022 19:29 (UTC)
Brainstorm killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a 'Defender' Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Tue 26 Jul 2022 19:09 (UTC)