Stats DB

Runner stats

Runner name:All Your Base
Faction:Fallen Angels

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:11
Outpost zones:00
Neofrag zones:00
NPC related:00
Self kills:0

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:10
Neutral Faction:01
Enemy Faction:00
Unknown Faction:00

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
All Your Base killed Hansen in Fallen Angels Faction DNS with a HEW Attack Software v 1.013 F Fallen Angels Tue 15 Nov 2022 20:48 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Kodi killed All Your Base in Outpost at Nemesis with a HEW Attack Software v 1.312 N PP vs FA Wed 16 Nov 2022 21:55 (UTC)