Stats DB

Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Delphine killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F City Administration Fr. 19 Apr. 2024 21:49 (UTC)
Duo killed oneself with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM F ProtoPharm Mi. 07 Feb. 2024 22:33 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez killed oneself with a SUCKER PUNCH F City Mercs Mo. 22 Jan. 2024 19:18 (UTC)
Badlaam killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 30 Juli 2022 22:11 (UTC)
Asima killed oneself with a Crahn Organism Cleanser v2 F Black Dragon Do. 16 Juni 2022 10:27 (UTC)
Damagebot killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Fallen Angels Di. 26 Mai 2020 14:28 (UTC)