Stats DB

Runner stats

Runner name:Thor-Wahlez
Faction:City Mercs

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:11
Outpost zones:01
Neofrag zones:11
NPC related:00
Self kills:4

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:11
Neutral Faction:01
Enemy Faction:00
Unknown Faction:00

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
Thor-Wahlez killed Lacustat in WATER TREATMENT - SECTOR 9 with a SLASHER F City Mercs Mi. 24 Jan. 2024 00:04 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez killed oneself in STORAGE - SECTOR 9 with a SUCKER PUNCH F City Mercs Mo. 22 Jan. 2024 19:18 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez beat Leviathano in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 4 with a S.W.A.T. Backup Gun F City Mercs Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:32 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez beat Miyamoto Allison in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 4 with a S.W.A.T. Backup Gun N CM vs PP Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:32 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a Stealthtool F City Mercs Mo. 04 Dez. 2023 19:40 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez killed oneself in F 08 - STEPPE with a Stealthtool F City Mercs Fr. 10 Nov. 2023 20:00 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez killed oneself in F 08 - STEPPE with a Stealthtool F City Mercs Do. 02 Nov. 2023 20:19 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Thor-Wahlez killed oneself in STORAGE - SECTOR 9 with a SUCKER PUNCH F City Mercs Mo. 22 Jan. 2024 19:18 (UTC)
Jennifer Rush beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a THE ANARCHIST F City Mercs Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 01:01 (UTC)
Sergeant Gunnery Hartman beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a F24.88 Flamethrower F City Mercs Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 01:00 (UTC)
Jennifer Rush beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a THE ANARCHIST F City Mercs Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:59 (UTC)
Jennifer Rush beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a THE ANARCHIST F City Mercs Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:55 (UTC)
Sergeant Gunnery Hartman beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a CURSED SOUL F City Mercs Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:53 (UTC)
Aroki Steel beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a Juggernaut Crossbow Pistol N FA vs CM Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:49 (UTC)
Sergeant Gunnery Hartman beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a CURSED SOUL F City Mercs Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:42 (UTC)
Sergeant Gunnery Hartman beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 2 with a CURSED SOUL F City Mercs Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:42 (UTC)
Miyamoto Allison beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 4 with a PAW OF BEAR N PP vs CM Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:38 (UTC)
Sergeant Gunnery Hartman beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 4 with a CURSED SOUL F City Mercs Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:37 (UTC)
Miyamoto Allison beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 4 with a PAW OF BEAR N PP vs CM Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:36 (UTC)
Miyamoto Allison beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 4 with a ZSUSUN N PP vs CM Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:34 (UTC)
Miyamoto Allison beat Thor-Wahlez in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 4 with a ZSUSUN N PP vs CM Sa. 30 Dez. 2023 00:30 (UTC)
Sergeant Gunnery Hartman killed Thor-Wahlez in K 07 - WASTELANDS with a CURSED SOUL F City Mercs Fr. 29 Dez. 2023 01:08 (UTC)
Gologog killed Thor-Wahlez in J 04 - BATTLE DOME with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM N BT vs CM Mo. 04 Dez. 2023 21:09 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez killed oneself in Bad Santas Hideout with a Stealthtool F City Mercs Mo. 04 Dez. 2023 19:40 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez killed oneself in F 08 - STEPPE with a Stealthtool F City Mercs Fr. 10 Nov. 2023 20:00 (UTC)
Thor-Wahlez killed oneself in F 08 - STEPPE with a Stealthtool F City Mercs Do. 02 Nov. 2023 20:19 (UTC)