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Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Black Sabbath killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Mo. 24 Feb. 2025 22:41 (UTC)
Morris killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F Tangent Technologies Di. 04 Okt. 2022 22:13 (UTC)
Napalm Ente killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Tangent Technologies Mo. 05 Sept. 2022 12:27 (UTC)
Heillampe killed oneself with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM F Brotherhood of Crahn Mi. 02 März 2022 21:43 (UTC)
Soraya killed oneself with a HOLY FIRESTORM F Brotherhood of Crahn Mi. 02 März 2022 21:42 (UTC)
Soraya killed oneself with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM F Brotherhood of Crahn Mi. 02 März 2022 21:01 (UTC)
Heillampe killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Mi. 02 März 2022 20:58 (UTC)
Blubbx killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Fallen Angels Mi. 15 Dez. 2021 23:59 (UTC)
Mussels killed oneself with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F City Administration Sa. 21 Aug. 2021 23:14 (UTC)
Mussels killed oneself with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F City Administration Sa. 21 Aug. 2021 22:57 (UTC)
Mussels killed oneself with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F City Administration Sa. 21 Aug. 2021 22:24 (UTC)
Mussels killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F City Administration Sa. 21 Aug. 2021 22:06 (UTC)
Mussels killed oneself with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F City Administration Sa. 21 Aug. 2021 00:22 (UTC)
Mussels killed oneself with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F City Administration Sa. 21 Aug. 2021 00:02 (UTC)
Mussels killed oneself with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F City Administration Fr. 20 Aug. 2021 23:22 (UTC)
Mussels killed oneself with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F City Administration Fr. 20 Aug. 2021 22:29 (UTC)
Woosel killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Fr. 21 Mai 2021 19:04 (UTC)
Carlsson Goldhand killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Fire Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Fr. 14 Mai 2021 19:23 (UTC)
Darkmillenium killed oneself with a MALEDICTION F ProtoPharm Fr. 14 Mai 2021 19:16 (UTC)
Carlsson Goldhand killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Fire Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Fr. 14 Mai 2021 19:10 (UTC)
Darkmillenium killed oneself with a MOON STRIKER F ProtoPharm Fr. 30 Apr. 2021 19:40 (UTC)
Woosel killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Fr. 30 Apr. 2021 19:34 (UTC)
Darkmillenium killed oneself with a MOON STRIKER F ProtoPharm Fr. 30 Apr. 2021 19:10 (UTC)
Woosel killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Fr. 30 Apr. 2021 19:08 (UTC)
Angelica killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F ProtoPharm So. 14 März 2021 00:24 (UTC)
Badlaam killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn So. 14 März 2021 00:10 (UTC)
Angelica killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F ProtoPharm Mo. 01 März 2021 00:18 (UTC)
Bedlam killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Fallen Angels Mo. 01 März 2021 00:15 (UTC)
Angelica killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F ProtoPharm Mi. 17 Feb. 2021 20:23 (UTC)
Angelica killed oneself with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm So. 31 Jan. 2021 01:15 (UTC)
Bimbabarumba killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Black Dragon So. 31 Jan. 2021 01:02 (UTC)
Deadlamb killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 31 Jan. 2021 01:01 (UTC)
Deadlamb killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Tangent Technologies Do. 28 Jan. 2021 22:48 (UTC)
Bimbabarumba killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F Black Dragon Do. 28 Jan. 2021 22:47 (UTC)
Letsel killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Frozen Barrel F BioTech Systems Sa. 28 Nov. 2020 23:05 (UTC)
Letsel killed oneself with a Crahn Toxic Barrel F BioTech Systems Mi. 28 Okt. 2020 21:50 (UTC)
Nepthis killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F NExT Mo. 26 Okt. 2020 17:39 (UTC)
Nepthis killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F NExT Mi. 21 Okt. 2020 15:43 (UTC)
Bedlam killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Fire Barrel F Diamond Real Estate Mo. 31 Aug. 2020 23:18 (UTC)
Bedlam killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Fire Barrel F Diamond Real Estate So. 30 Aug. 2020 02:35 (UTC)
Senox killed Pepega with a HEW 'Burner' RC275 F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 25 Juli 2020 22:59 (UTC)
Lightcarna killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn So. 31 Mai 2020 14:55 (UTC)
Orzongzigidonkykong killed oneself with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-3 F Tangent Technologies Do. 28 Mai 2020 15:13 (UTC)
Thors Hammer killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F ProtoPharm So. 10 Mai 2020 19:46 (UTC)
Thors Hammer killed oneself with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-4 F ProtoPharm So. 10 Mai 2020 19:34 (UTC)
Donguish killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Tsunami Syndicate Sa. 09 Mai 2020 16:19 (UTC)
Lestant-Greg killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F Fallen Angels Mo. 13 Apr. 2020 13:09 (UTC)
Lestantgregoir killed oneself with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM F Twilight Guardian Mo. 13 Apr. 2020 09:07 (UTC)
Lestant-Greg killed oneself with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-4 F Fallen Angels So. 12 Apr. 2020 22:46 (UTC)
Lestant-Greg killed oneself with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-4 F Fallen Angels So. 12 Apr. 2020 22:06 (UTC)
Traci killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Brotherhood of Crahn So. 12 Apr. 2020 21:04 (UTC)
Rokhelh killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F BioTech Systems Sa. 04 Apr. 2020 04:46 (UTC)
Holy-Evil killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Mo. 16 März 2020 05:03 (UTC)
Dakon killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Di. 03 März 2020 11:27 (UTC)
Dakon killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Mo. 02 März 2020 21:43 (UTC)
Evll Sith killed oneself with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM F ProtoPharm Fr. 27 Dez. 2019 07:10 (UTC)
Evll Sith killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Do. 19 Dez. 2019 15:46 (UTC)
Evll Sith killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Do. 19 Dez. 2019 15:42 (UTC)
Evll Sith killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Do. 19 Dez. 2019 15:30 (UTC)
Evll Sith killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Do. 19 Dez. 2019 15:21 (UTC)
Magic Mike killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F NExT Fr. 26 Apr. 2019 01:17 (UTC)
Proupri killed oneself with a Ryker 'Vulcano' Grenade Launcher F ProtoPharm So. 10 Feb. 2019 14:19 (UTC)
Kid Kash killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F BioTech Systems Do. 07 Feb. 2019 20:00 (UTC)
Kid Kash killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F BioTech Systems Do. 07 Feb. 2019 19:47 (UTC)
Fastkiller killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F NExT Sa. 02 Feb. 2019 00:56 (UTC)
Roofuss killed oneself with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-4 F City Mercs So. 13 Jan. 2019 22:04 (UTC)
Roofuss killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F City Mercs Mi. 24 Okt. 2018 06:12 (UTC)
Epan killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Tsunami Syndicate So. 08 Juli 2018 05:46 (UTC)
Epan killed oneself with a HEW Fusion Battle Drone FC-3 F Tsunami Syndicate So. 01 Juli 2018 16:01 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a HOLY PESTILENCE F Tangent Technologies So. 17 Dez. 2017 09:39 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a HOLY PESTILENCE F Tangent Technologies Di. 12 Dez. 2017 06:39 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a HOLY PESTILENCE F Tangent Technologies Di. 12 Dez. 2017 06:12 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a HOLY PESTILENCE F Tangent Technologies Di. 12 Dez. 2017 05:49 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a HOLY PESTILENCE F Tangent Technologies Di. 12 Dez. 2017 05:07 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies Sa. 02 Dez. 2017 10:17 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies Mo. 27 Nov. 2017 03:44 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies Mo. 27 Nov. 2017 03:33 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 19 Nov. 2017 21:14 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 19 Nov. 2017 21:07 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 19 Nov. 2017 19:41 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 19 Nov. 2017 19:01 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 19 Nov. 2017 18:42 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 19 Nov. 2017 18:26 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 19 Nov. 2017 16:08 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 19 Nov. 2017 15:42 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies Mo. 13 Nov. 2017 07:10 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 12 Nov. 2017 06:44 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 12 Nov. 2017 06:04 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies Mo. 06 Nov. 2017 06:26 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies Mo. 06 Nov. 2017 06:00 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies Mo. 06 Nov. 2017 05:37 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies Mo. 06 Nov. 2017 05:10 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 05 Nov. 2017 10:43 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 05 Nov. 2017 10:28 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies So. 05 Nov. 2017 08:18 (UTC)
Kmapu killed Kmem with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel E TT vs BoC Sa. 04 Nov. 2017 16:15 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies Sa. 04 Nov. 2017 15:32 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies Sa. 04 Nov. 2017 13:08 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies Sa. 04 Nov. 2017 11:12 (UTC)
Kmapu killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies Sa. 04 Nov. 2017 10:56 (UTC)