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Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Red Aurora killed oneself with a MOON STRIKER F Tangent Technologies Fr. 10 Mai 2024 22:28 (UTC)
Red Aurora killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F Tangent Technologies So. 24 März 2024 22:50 (UTC)
Excal killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F Tangent Technologies So. 24 März 2024 22:48 (UTC)
Excal killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F Tangent Technologies So. 24 März 2024 22:27 (UTC)
Red Aurora killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F Tangent Technologies So. 24 März 2024 21:21 (UTC)
Skorsten killed oneself with a Ryker Rocket Launcher F ProtoPharm Do. 13 Juli 2023 19:26 (UTC)
Astrobug killed Nardil-Monk with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon N CA vs NExT So. 26 Feb. 2023 20:33 (UTC)
Woosel killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F ProtoPharm Fr. 23 Apr. 2021 19:43 (UTC)
Lissy Fly killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG-Gold F Twilight Guardian Fr. 02 Apr. 2021 16:46 (UTC)
Peanuts killed Lissy Fly with a DOOM BEAMER N PP vs TG Fr. 02 Apr. 2021 16:39 (UTC)
Peanuts killed Lissy Fly with a DOOM BEAMER N PP vs TG Fr. 02 Apr. 2021 15:05 (UTC)
Lissy Fly killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG-Gold F Twilight Guardian Fr. 02 Apr. 2021 14:57 (UTC)
Janmarvinmalte killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F City Administration Mi. 31 März 2021 16:26 (UTC)
Janmarvinmalte killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F City Administration Mi. 31 März 2021 15:49 (UTC)
Lissy Fly killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Cleanse Poison F Twilight Guardian Mi. 31 März 2021 12:47 (UTC)
Lissy Fly killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Cleanse Poison F Twilight Guardian Di. 30 März 2021 19:09 (UTC)
Knicklicht killed The Gentank with a Special Raygun Cannon E TG vs CM Di. 30 März 2021 18:52 (UTC)
The Gentank killed Lissy Fly with a DOOM BEAMER E CM vs TG So. 28 März 2021 19:30 (UTC)
The Gentank killed Lissy Fly with a DOOM BEAMER E CM vs TG So. 28 März 2021 18:44 (UTC)
Lissy Fly killed The Gentank with a Crahn Holy Cleanse Poison E TG vs CM So. 28 März 2021 18:22 (UTC)
Lastone killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Twilight Guardian So. 28 März 2021 12:16 (UTC)
Lastone killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Twilight Guardian So. 28 März 2021 11:42 (UTC)
Puuh killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Fire Barrel F Tangent Technologies Sa. 27 März 2021 16:41 (UTC)
Unbekannter Charakter killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F ProtoPharm Sa. 13 März 2021 08:25 (UTC)
Lespy killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Fallen Angels Fr. 12 März 2021 03:34 (UTC)
Unbekannter Charakter killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F ProtoPharm Mi. 10 März 2021 10:11 (UTC)
Geschlecht Xx killed oneself with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM F ProtoPharm Mo. 08 März 2021 10:17 (UTC)
Franz Brandwein killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F BioTech Systems Do. 04 März 2021 19:25 (UTC)
July Fox killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Mi. 06 Jan. 2021 22:38 (UTC)
July Fox killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Mi. 06 Jan. 2021 22:08 (UTC)
Gedlgierelfe killed Duronox with a Crahn Blessed Cleanse Poison F City Mercs Mo. 01 Juni 2020 15:37 (UTC)
Schastara killed Prototyp with a Crahn Cleanse Poison N NExT vs BT Sa. 16 März 2019 18:37 (UTC)
Schastara killed oneself with a Crahn Cleanse Poison F NExT Sa. 16 März 2019 18:35 (UTC)
Schastara killed Prototyp with a Crahn Cleanse Poison N NExT vs BT Sa. 16 März 2019 17:58 (UTC)
Catatonic killed oneself with a Ryker 'Vulcano' Grenade Launcher F City Mercs Sa. 17 Nov. 2018 06:19 (UTC)
Nitorin killed oneself with a N/A F Brotherhood of Crahn Fr. 12 Mai 2017 21:49 (UTC)