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Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Big Chungus killed oneself with a HOLY PESTILENCE F Brotherhood of Crahn Mi. 26 Feb. 2025 15:26 (UTC)
Sir Hippieman T killed oneself with a Judgement Day Launcher F City Mercs Do. 19 Dez. 2024 01:50 (UTC)
Kail killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 23 März 2024 02:36 (UTC)
Hikon killed oneself with a RayGun Cannon F Tangent Technologies Mi. 16 Aug. 2023 00:57 (UTC)
Omikron killed oneself with a Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 22 Juli 2023 03:13 (UTC)
Grandmastergamer killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 07 Jan. 2023 05:22 (UTC)
Selendis killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F City Administration Do. 19 Mai 2022 23:31 (UTC)
Soraya killed oneself with a HOLY FIRESTORM F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 12 März 2022 21:27 (UTC)
Crayola Piehole killed oneself with a Crahn Creature Focus CAG 1 F Fallen Angels Do. 03 Feb. 2022 05:17 (UTC)
Nerisella killed oneself with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-2 F Tangent Technologies Sa. 17 Juli 2021 13:53 (UTC)
Roenin killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F City Mercs Fr. 28 Mai 2021 19:31 (UTC)
Hodgok killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F City Administration Mi. 14 Apr. 2021 04:39 (UTC)
Raid killed Woodhouse with a HOLY EVISCERATION E FA vs BoC So. 11 Apr. 2021 17:35 (UTC)
Woodhouse killed oneself with a HEW 'Burner' RC275 F Brotherhood of Crahn So. 11 Apr. 2021 16:24 (UTC)
Affe Mit Waffe killed oneself with a DOOM BEAMER F City Administration Di. 06 Apr. 2021 13:20 (UTC)
Einer Muss Ja killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG-Gold F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 13 März 2021 21:02 (UTC)
Einer Muss Ja killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG-Gold F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 13 März 2021 20:24 (UTC)
Skagsack killed Qwertzi with a HEALING LIGHT E BT vs TT Sa. 27 Feb. 2021 20:01 (UTC)
Aleisterc killed oneself with a Crahn Fire Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn So. 10 Jan. 2021 19:32 (UTC)
Megazoid killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Tangent Technologies Sa. 26 Dez. 2020 13:10 (UTC)
Mr-Const killed oneself with a Stealthtool F City Administration Di. 06 Okt. 2020 09:01 (UTC)
Byaz killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Mo. 24 Aug. 2020 03:05 (UTC)
Clairelle killed oneself with a Stealth Activator F Tangent Technologies So. 09 Aug. 2020 11:26 (UTC)
Eisenherz killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Tangent Technologies Mi. 13 Mai 2020 00:10 (UTC)
Sarah Tonin killed oneself with a Tangent GL-253c Launcher F Tangent Technologies Di. 28 Apr. 2020 02:17 (UTC)
Triumph killed oneself with a Crahn Blessed Frozen Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 11 Apr. 2020 15:58 (UTC)
Bodkin killed oneself with a Judgement Day Launcher F Fallen Angels Mi. 25 Dez. 2019 20:11 (UTC)
Sammaa killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F Brotherhood of Crahn Fr. 26 Apr. 2019 23:02 (UTC)
Rocket killed oneself with a Ryker 'Vulcano' Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Di. 28 Aug. 2018 16:36 (UTC)
The Q killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F Tangent Technologies Sa. 09 Juni 2018 22:46 (UTC)
Naomi Hunter killed Sammi with a SILENT HUNTER F Tangent Technologies Mo. 04 Dez. 2017 05:11 (UTC)
Naomi Hunter killed Sammi with a Unregistered 'Black Market' RF-102 Rifle F Tangent Technologies Mo. 04 Dez. 2017 04:51 (UTC)
Sammaa killed oneself with a Stealth Activator III F Black Dragon So. 29 Okt. 2017 10:26 (UTC)
Ressi Ravensdale killed oneself with a HEW Rocket Battle Drone RK-3 F Tangent Technologies Mi. 27 Sept. 2017 10:12 (UTC)
Yahoo killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F BioTech Systems Di. 12 Sept. 2017 02:57 (UTC)
Yahoo killed oneself with a OBLITERATOR F BioTech Systems Di. 12 Sept. 2017 02:57 (UTC)
Bolts killed oneself with a Stealthtool F Brotherhood of Crahn Do. 24 Aug. 2017 22:46 (UTC)
Lord Covfefe killed oneself with a Ryker 'Vulcano' Grenade Launcher F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 05 Aug. 2017 10:42 (UTC)
Prototype Mo-Nk killed oneself with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 29 Juli 2017 00:21 (UTC)
Takler killed Der Wahre Platinum with a N/A E BD vs TT Do. 22 Dez. 2016 21:12 (UTC)
Takler killed Mario H with a N/A E BD vs TT Do. 22 Dez. 2016 21:12 (UTC)
Doctorsam killed oneself with a NPC RayGun Rifle F Tangent Technologies So. 11 Dez. 2016 22:36 (UTC)
Midvalley killed oneself with a N/A F City Administration So. 11 Dez. 2016 10:27 (UTC)