Stats DB

Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Roybatty killed oneself with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F Twilight Guardian Fr. 13 Dez. 2024 21:18 (UTC)
Kimmekes killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG-Gold F Brotherhood of Crahn So. 10 März 2024 09:53 (UTC)
Malestro killed oneself with a Crahn Toxic Barrel F Tangent Technologies Sa. 09 Apr. 2022 13:49 (UTC)
Darkrunner killed Nauk with a Crahn Holy Energy Beam N BoC vs TS Fr. 29 Mai 2020 21:49 (UTC)
Darkrunner killed Obiwan with a Crahn Holy Energy Beam N BoC vs TS Fr. 29 Mai 2020 21:18 (UTC)
Nauk killed oneself with a HOLY PESTILENCE F Tsunami Syndicate Mi. 20 Mai 2020 10:57 (UTC)
Drolon killed oneself with a Stealth Activator II F NExT Do. 01 Nov. 2018 21:34 (UTC)
Biffalopagoss killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 18 März 2018 16:48 (UTC)