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Runners killed in Zone

Kill Faction Time
Trostpreis killed oneself with a A&W Marksman Assault Drone RF-1 F City Administration Do. 11 Feb. 2021 16:48 (UTC)
Schamanrage killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Lightning Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Di. 26 Jan. 2021 12:18 (UTC)
Smash killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 27 Dez. 2020 19:19 (UTC)
Pedrito killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F NExT Mi. 23 Dez. 2020 04:01 (UTC)
Megazoid killed oneself with a A&W Marksman Assault Drone RF-3 F Tangent Technologies Mo. 14 Dez. 2020 22:44 (UTC)
Nelchen killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn So. 11 Okt. 2020 10:48 (UTC)
Nekotami killed oneself with a HEW Kamikaze Drone KK-1 F Fallen Angels Fr. 25 Sept. 2020 08:47 (UTC)
Urenemy killed oneself with a Tangent GL-253c Launcher U No Faction So. 13 Sept. 2020 05:28 (UTC)
Johnny Silverlegs killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Mo. 20 Juli 2020 00:10 (UTC)
Brixton killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Do. 25 Juni 2020 13:50 (UTC)
Mia Disko killed Tuco with a Ceres Handgun BHG-9 U TG vs No Faction Di. 23 Juni 2020 19:51 (UTC)
Mops killed oneself with a Crahn Creature Focus CAG 1 F Brotherhood of Crahn Di. 23 Juni 2020 18:50 (UTC)
Rubbabubba killed oneself with a Crahn ParaShock Sanctum F Black Dragon Mo. 15 Juni 2020 21:35 (UTC)
Blackrock killed oneself with a HEW Raygun Battle Drone RG-3 F City Administration Di. 02 Juni 2020 21:37 (UTC)
Bonk- killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Di. 02 Juni 2020 10:01 (UTC)
Dagny Tagart killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher U No Faction Do. 28 Mai 2020 12:06 (UTC)
Orsongzigidonkeykongi killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Mo. 25 Mai 2020 08:36 (UTC)
Orsongzigidonkeykongi killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Mo. 25 Mai 2020 08:07 (UTC)
Ajattara killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Lightning Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Mo. 18 Mai 2020 10:01 (UTC)
Extortion killed Lando with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F PP vs BT So. 03 Mai 2020 14:42 (UTC)
Lando killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Sa. 02 Mai 2020 12:24 (UTC)
Skanny killed Peter Felsius with a N/A F City Administration Mi. 29 Apr. 2020 17:07 (UTC)
Haq killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Mi. 29 Apr. 2020 17:04 (UTC)
Haq killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Mi. 29 Apr. 2020 17:02 (UTC)
Haq killed Vanessatopia with a Grenade Launcher F TT vs CA Mi. 29 Apr. 2020 16:59 (UTC)
Haq killed Peter Felsius with a Grenade Launcher F TT vs CA Mi. 29 Apr. 2020 16:59 (UTC)
In Dein Gesicht killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F ProtoPharm So. 26 Apr. 2020 02:47 (UTC)
Prdac killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Mi. 22 Apr. 2020 14:34 (UTC)
Tankviking killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Fr. 17 Apr. 2020 05:34 (UTC)
Tankviking killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Do. 16 Apr. 2020 09:11 (UTC)
Mandalorian killed Scarlett Johnson with a HEW Raygun Battle Drone RG-2 F BT vs PP Mi. 15 Apr. 2020 06:53 (UTC)
Haq killed oneself with a Back Alley Incendiary Grenade F Tangent Technologies Di. 14 Apr. 2020 13:08 (UTC)
Elite Pvp Tank killed Haq with a PEACEMAKER E BT vs TT Mo. 13 Apr. 2020 13:38 (UTC)
Number One killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Creature Focus CAG 1 F BioTech Systems Di. 07 Apr. 2020 04:31 (UTC)
Portman killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F City Administration So. 15 März 2020 18:39 (UTC)
Nasurak killed oneself with a Crahn Creature Focus CAG 1 F Tsunami Syndicate Di. 10 März 2020 02:12 (UTC)
Nasurak killed oneself with a Crahn Creature Focus CAG 1 F Tsunami Syndicate Di. 10 März 2020 00:02 (UTC)
Crysania killed Cambuel with a Crahn Multi Lightning Bolt E BoC vs DRE So. 16 Feb. 2020 00:29 (UTC)
Lowaster killed oneself with a Tangent GL-253c Launcher F Tsunami Syndicate Mo. 27 Jan. 2020 22:55 (UTC)
Lowaster killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tsunami Syndicate Mo. 27 Jan. 2020 20:18 (UTC)
Adrlan Monk killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F ProtoPharm Di. 21 Jan. 2020 16:22 (UTC)
Momoko Tawate killed oneself with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Mo. 20 Jan. 2020 21:20 (UTC)
Auraluna killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Fallen Angels Di. 24 Dez. 2019 10:23 (UTC)
Auraluna killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Fallen Angels Mo. 23 Dez. 2019 09:11 (UTC)
Auraluna killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Fallen Angels Mo. 23 Dez. 2019 08:37 (UTC)
Daderya killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Mo. 14 Okt. 2019 17:33 (UTC)
Tubbabubba killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Diamond Real Estate So. 13 Okt. 2019 22:03 (UTC)
Daderya killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 13 Okt. 2019 16:43 (UTC)
Photonus killed oneself with a HEW Raygun Battle Drone RG-1 F BioTech Systems Mi. 31 Juli 2019 18:01 (UTC)
Pinquisitor killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F BioTech Systems So. 21 Juli 2019 18:50 (UTC)
Pinquisitor killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F BioTech Systems So. 21 Juli 2019 18:32 (UTC)
Pinquisitor killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F BioTech Systems So. 21 Juli 2019 17:55 (UTC)
Eric Cartman killed oneself with a Tangent GL-253c Launcher F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 08 Juni 2019 07:53 (UTC)
Eric Cartman killed oneself with a Tangent GL-253c Launcher F Brotherhood of Crahn Sa. 08 Juni 2019 06:38 (UTC)
Montuscott killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Tangent Technologies Sa. 18 Mai 2019 09:38 (UTC)
Scaruscranmer killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F BioTech Systems Di. 16 Apr. 2019 19:48 (UTC)
Anayia killed oneself with a Back Alley Incendiary Grenade F City Administration Mi. 20 März 2019 22:58 (UTC)
Anayia killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F City Administration Mi. 20 März 2019 22:48 (UTC)
Victor Fawkes killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F NExT Mi. 20 März 2019 13:17 (UTC)
Monsulf killed oneself with a Tangent GL-253c Launcher U No Faction Di. 19 März 2019 00:31 (UTC)
Yuro Divy killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F City Mercs Sa. 16 März 2019 16:44 (UTC)
Yuro Divy killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F City Mercs Sa. 16 März 2019 15:07 (UTC)
Mirk killed oneself with a Crahn Fire Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Fr. 15 März 2019 17:11 (UTC)
Otoplay killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction Fr. 09 Nov. 2018 05:02 (UTC)
Vovo killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Brotherhood of Crahn So. 04 Nov. 2018 20:17 (UTC)
Vovo killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Brotherhood of Crahn Fr. 02 Nov. 2018 04:29 (UTC)
Vovo killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Brotherhood of Crahn So. 28 Okt. 2018 22:07 (UTC)
Barrybatsbak killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F NExT Sa. 06 Okt. 2018 09:31 (UTC)
Barrybatsbak killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F NExT Fr. 05 Okt. 2018 12:17 (UTC)
Lugano killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Fallen Angels Sa. 14 Juli 2018 02:00 (UTC)
Lugano killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Fallen Angels Sa. 14 Juli 2018 01:37 (UTC)
Lugano killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Fallen Angels Sa. 14 Juli 2018 01:32 (UTC)
Lugano killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Fallen Angels Sa. 14 Juli 2018 01:22 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a 'Defender' Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Di. 12 Juni 2018 21:11 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Di. 12 Juni 2018 14:03 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Di. 12 Juni 2018 13:25 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a 'Defender' Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Di. 12 Juni 2018 12:43 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Di. 12 Juni 2018 10:38 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies So. 10 Juni 2018 18:36 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies So. 10 Juni 2018 18:17 (UTC)
Hyas killed oneself with a HEW Laser Assault Drone GAL-1 U No Faction So. 10 Juni 2018 12:23 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 09 Juni 2018 22:59 (UTC)
Ariasicile Dawnborn killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 09 Juni 2018 22:55 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 09 Juni 2018 22:45 (UTC)
Teentankgirl killed oneself with a Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 09 Juni 2018 22:33 (UTC)
Rabnas killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 09 Juni 2018 19:21 (UTC)
Arisha killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Fr. 23 März 2018 10:46 (UTC)
Arisha killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F Tangent Technologies Fr. 23 März 2018 10:34 (UTC)
Mishy killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Tangent Technologies Mo. 26 Feb. 2018 20:05 (UTC)
Mishy killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Tangent Technologies So. 25 Feb. 2018 19:55 (UTC)
Naste killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies So. 25 Feb. 2018 00:54 (UTC)
Naste killed oneself with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 24 Feb. 2018 23:59 (UTC)
Fulmins killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Di. 04 Apr. 2017 22:26 (UTC)
Fulmins killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Energy Bolt F Brotherhood of Crahn Di. 04 Apr. 2017 22:15 (UTC)
Fulmins killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Di. 04 Apr. 2017 17:48 (UTC)
Fulmins killed oneself with a Crahn Energy Barrel F Brotherhood of Crahn Di. 04 Apr. 2017 07:05 (UTC)
Baraka killed oneself with a Street Model Grenade Launcher F ProtoPharm Do. 24 Nov. 2016 14:02 (UTC)
Baraka killed oneself with a NPC Street Model Rifle F ProtoPharm Do. 24 Nov. 2016 14:00 (UTC)
Doctor Branson killed oneself with a Crahn Multi Lightning Bolt F Diamond Real Estate So. 20 Nov. 2016 00:10 (UTC)