Stats DB

Runner stats

Runner name:Velkoz

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:017
Outpost zones:00
Neofrag zones:00
NPC related:00
Self kills:8

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:01
Neutral Faction:016
Enemy Faction:00
Unknown Faction:01

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
Velkoz killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Do. 23 Nov. 2017 06:16 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Fr. 17 Nov. 2017 11:53 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Fr. 17 Nov. 2017 07:12 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Fr. 17 Nov. 2017 06:31 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Sa. 11 Nov. 2017 19:05 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Sa. 11 Nov. 2017 03:03 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Do. 09 Nov. 2017 06:41 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Mi. 08 Nov. 2017 21:44 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Naomi Hunter killed Velkoz in Bad Santas Hideout with a SECOND LOVE N TT vs PP Do. 07 Dez. 2017 16:49 (UTC)
[GM] Xanthos killed Velkoz in PLAZA SEC-1 with a RAPTURE U None vs PP Do. 07 Dez. 2017 16:39 (UTC)
Patty killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a Ionic Shotgun Pistol N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:59 (UTC)
Patty killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a Ionic Shotgun Pistol N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:57 (UTC)
Patty killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a CRAFTSMANS DREAM 6100 N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:49 (UTC)
Patty killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a Juggernaut Crossbow Pistol N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:47 (UTC)
Patty killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a Juggernaut Crossbow Pistol N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:44 (UTC)
Ezio killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a THUNDERSTORM N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:17 (UTC)
Ezio killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a SECOND LOVE N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:15 (UTC)
Ezio killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a Ceres Assault Rifle CAR-47 N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:13 (UTC)
Ezio killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a SECOND LOVE N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:11 (UTC)
Cindy killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a CURSED SOUL N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 11:05 (UTC)
Cindy killed Velkoz in Reactor Room with a F24.88 Flamethrower N TT vs PP Do. 23 Nov. 2017 10:59 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Do. 23 Nov. 2017 06:16 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Fr. 17 Nov. 2017 11:53 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Fr. 17 Nov. 2017 07:12 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Fr. 17 Nov. 2017 06:31 (UTC)
Unreal killed Velkoz in J 10 - DESERT with a SILENT HUNTER F BT vs PP Mi. 15 Nov. 2017 22:59 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Sa. 11 Nov. 2017 19:05 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Sa. 11 Nov. 2017 03:03 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Do. 09 Nov. 2017 06:41 (UTC)
Velkoz killed oneself in J 02 - WASTELANDS with a Stealth Activator F ProtoPharm Mi. 08 Nov. 2017 21:44 (UTC)
Youri killed Velkoz in Appartement with a S.W.A.T. Backup Gun N TT vs PP Mo. 06 Nov. 2017 23:28 (UTC)
Youri killed Velkoz in Appartement with a N/A N TT vs PP Mo. 06 Nov. 2017 23:19 (UTC)
Youri killed Velkoz in Appartement with a EXECUTIONER N TT vs PP Mo. 06 Nov. 2017 23:18 (UTC)
Youri killed Velkoz in Appartement with a EXECUTIONER N TT vs PP Mo. 06 Nov. 2017 23:16 (UTC)