Stats DB

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Runner stats

Runner name:Pinkk

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:11
Outpost zones:00
Neofrag zones:61
NPC related:00
Self kills:1

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:01
Neutral Faction:10
Enemy Faction:00
Unknown Faction:00

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
Pinkk beat Marigold in NEOFRAG 1 DECK 2 with a Ionic Shotgun Cannon N PP vs FA Fr. 31 Mai 2019 15:38 (UTC)
Pinkk killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a DOOM BEAMER F ProtoPharm Sa. 18 Mai 2019 00:49 (UTC)
Pinkk killed Sword in F 13 - CANYONS with a PAW OF BEAR N PP vs CM Sa. 27 Apr. 2019 22:45 (UTC)
Pinkk beat Varjo in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a BLACKMIST'S REMORSE F PP vs BT Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:55 (UTC)
Pinkk beat Varjo in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a BLACKMIST'S REMORSE F PP vs BT Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:49 (UTC)
Pinkk beat Nc Dweller in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a BLACKMIST'S REMORSE U PP vs No Faction Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:45 (UTC)
Pinkk beat Varjo in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a BLACKMIST'S REMORSE F PP vs BT Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:23 (UTC)
Pinkk beat Sum Ting Wong in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a BLACKMIST'S REMORSE F PP vs BT Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:17 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Pinkk killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a DOOM BEAMER F ProtoPharm Sa. 18 Mai 2019 00:49 (UTC)
Pete Lattimer beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a WARBOTS BANE N CM vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 22:02 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:57 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:56 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:55 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:54 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:53 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:52 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:51 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:50 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:48 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:47 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:46 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:44 (UTC)
Nautilus beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a WARBOTS BANE F BD vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:30 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:22 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:20 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:19 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:17 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:15 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY FIRE APOCALYPSE F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:14 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY CAUSTIC RAIN F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:12 (UTC)
Sum Ting Wong beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HEALING LIGHT F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:11 (UTC)
Varjo beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HOLY LIGHTNING F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 21:07 (UTC)
Sum Ting Wong beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HEALING LIGHT F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 20:53 (UTC)
Sum Ting Wong beat Pinkk in NEOFRAG 2 DECK 1 with a HEALING LIGHT F BT vs PP Do. 25 Apr. 2019 20:25 (UTC)
Perlas killed Pinkk in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a SECOND LOVE F BD vs PP Fr. 17 Feb. 2017 22:29 (UTC)