Stats DB

Runner stats

Runner name:Eladriel
Faction:No Faction

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:12
Outpost zones:00
Neofrag zones:00
NPC related:00
Self kills:9

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:00
Neutral Faction:00
Enemy Faction:12
Unknown Faction:00

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
Eladriel killed oneself in GRAVE with a DOOM BEAMER F City Mercs Do. 02 Mai 2024 20:47 (UTC)
Eladriel killed Irhealzor in Appartement with a CREED E DRE vs BD So. 04 Feb. 2024 20:57 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a MALEDICTION F ProtoPharm Mo. 03 Mai 2021 10:04 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F ProtoPharm Mi. 28 Apr. 2021 13:13 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in ABANDONDED BASEMENT 1 (NORMAL) with a Grenade Launcher F ProtoPharm So. 25 Apr. 2021 18:58 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in ABANDONDED BASEMENT 2 (NORMAL) with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:32 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in VIAROSSO SEC-1 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:25 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in PEPPER PARK SEC-3 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:21 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in VIAROSSO SEC-3 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:20 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in PEPPER PARK SEC-3 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:13 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Angiebif killed Eladriel in Appartement with a DISRUPTOR E TG vs CM Fr. 03 Mai 2024 19:12 (UTC)
Angiebif killed Eladriel in Appartement with a DISRUPTOR E TG vs CM Fr. 03 Mai 2024 19:11 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in GRAVE with a DOOM BEAMER F City Mercs Do. 02 Mai 2024 20:47 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a MALEDICTION F ProtoPharm Mo. 03 Mai 2021 10:04 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in DANGEROUS CANYON CAVE with a 'Special' RC-13 RayGun Cannon F ProtoPharm Mi. 28 Apr. 2021 13:13 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in ABANDONDED BASEMENT 1 (NORMAL) with a Grenade Launcher F ProtoPharm So. 25 Apr. 2021 18:58 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in ABANDONDED BASEMENT 2 (NORMAL) with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:32 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in VIAROSSO SEC-1 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:25 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in PEPPER PARK SEC-3 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:21 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in VIAROSSO SEC-3 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:20 (UTC)
Eladriel killed oneself in PEPPER PARK SEC-3 with a Street Model Grenade Launcher U No Faction So. 25 Apr. 2021 14:13 (UTC)