Stats DB

Runner stats

Runner name:Disco Stu
Faction:No Faction

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:02
Outpost zones:00
Neofrag zones:00
NPC related:00
Self kills:5

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:01
Neutral Faction:00
Enemy Faction:00
Unknown Faction:01

Runner kills.

Kill Faction Time
Disco Stu killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Di. 04 Juni 2024 19:02 (UTC)
Disco Stu killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 01 Juni 2024 12:50 (UTC)
Disco Stu killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Do. 08 Feb. 2024 19:47 (UTC)
Disco Stu killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Do. 08 Feb. 2024 18:35 (UTC)
Disco Stu killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Mi. 07 Feb. 2024 21:21 (UTC)

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
Disco Stu killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Di. 04 Juni 2024 19:02 (UTC)
Disco Stu killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Sa. 01 Juni 2024 12:50 (UTC)
Rockyy killed Disco Stu in Mech Haven with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM F CA vs TT Do. 08 Feb. 2024 20:06 (UTC)
Disco Stu killed oneself in HIGH SECURITY DETENTION AREA with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Do. 08 Feb. 2024 19:47 (UTC)
Disco Stu killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Do. 08 Feb. 2024 18:35 (UTC)
Disco Stu killed oneself in MAIN DETENTION AREA with a Unlabeled Mini Rocket Launcher F Tangent Technologies Mi. 07 Feb. 2024 21:21 (UTC)
Patico killed Disco Stu in VIAROSSO SEC-3 with a Crahn Energy Bolt U No Faction Mo. 22 Jan. 2024 20:28 (UTC)