Stats DB

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Runner stats

Runner name:David Bowman
Faction:BioTech Systems

Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Non-outpost zones:012
Outpost zones:00
Neofrag zones:00
NPC related:00
Self kills:0

Faction Kill/Death stats

  Kills Deaths
Allied Faction:04
Neutral Faction:04
Enemy Faction:04
Unknown Faction:00

Runner kills.

No kills to show

Runner deaths.

Kill Faction Time
John Wick killed David Bowman in The Room with a S.W.A.T. Backup Gun E TS vs BT Mi. 28 Okt. 2020 00:00 (UTC)
John Wick killed David Bowman in The Room with a S.W.A.T. Backup Gun E TS vs BT Di. 27 Okt. 2020 22:52 (UTC)
Silk Wire killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F BioTech Systems Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 22:29 (UTC)
Sebastian killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HOLY THUNDERSTORM E BoC vs BT Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 22:26 (UTC)
Make killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a SUCKER PUNCH N CM vs BT Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 21:56 (UTC)
Mr Haelyn killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher N BD vs BT Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 21:40 (UTC)
Lazyman killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a HEW Raygun Battle Drone RG-3 F CA vs BT Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 21:12 (UTC)
Make killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a SUCKER PUNCH N CM vs BT Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 21:06 (UTC)
Silk Wire killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Tangent Mini Rocket Launcher F BioTech Systems Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 20:59 (UTC)
Make killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a SUCKER PUNCH N CM vs BT Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 20:52 (UTC)
Mia Madeleine killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Crahn Holy Energy Barrel E BoC vs BT Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 20:23 (UTC)
Jack Johnson killed David Bowman in PEPPER PARK SEC-1 with a Ryker 'Vulcano' Grenade Launcher F PP vs BT Sa. 01 Feb. 2020 20:11 (UTC)